1.69 Tilesets - Castle Rural, External - Walk Mesh

I haven't stayed current with the community once official involvement was done. I had a large project pretty far along that was pretty ambitious (That's what I do) and it had a lot of NPCs moving around areas. It worked in most places but some of the newer tilesets such as Castle Rural, External had some NPC Navigation issues. They easily get stuck in the most simple of places and seem to not have any kind of navmesh to help them get around the area.
Was this ever addressed by anyone? I love the tileset and would like to use it, but if this remains an issue it is likely a tileset I will skip.
Was this ever addressed by anyone? I love the tileset and would like to use it, but if this remains an issue it is likely a tileset I will skip.
Now you see the triggers painter all around the banks of the rivers and moat? That is because NPCs don't seem to know those things are not passable. So I'd find them stuck there as they considered a path that required them to go through those areas. There is obviously a collision mesh or a no-walk area designated for those, but the navmesh does not have that information so they get stuck.
Does anyone know if this has been fixed by anyone? I'd love to use this tileset but that is a deal breaker without using triggers like I implemented to warp NPCs from one side to the other if they hit that trigger... that is less than desireable.