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NWN:EE Edited an old module - made simple change - NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE

So, I opened up my old module RTS - Harvest of Souls 1.26beta33b which is on NWVAULT and it actually works and is playable. However, I made that a long time ago and it could use some things to make it friendlier to single player and to help people learn it's oddities.

I created a new copy of it 1.26beta34 I added a dialog. I tweaked some scripts. I saved it.

I launched it got to Select Premade Character.

I get a NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE message though the SSD that the module is on has 50GB free.

The program is also locked up and can only be stopped by END TASK in the task manager.

I can still play the 1.26beta33b fine.

It is only this changed module that is crashing. It is not even getting to where any of my changes are.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Any recommendations?

I haven't even spawned a creature with the new dialog... so I am uncertain why that one is crashing.


  • dwinblooddwinblood Member Posts: 38
    I just verified the game files again. After I did that it is working fine.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    You say you had to verify the module after saving it in EE toolset, and then it works fine?
  • dwinblooddwinblood Member Posts: 38
    I did verify and it cleaned files. I believe the problem may have been me messing with the actual game folders PRIOR to realizing haks and such belonged in documents. So doing verify cleaned that stuff up and it started working.
  • FaerûnFaerûn Member Posts: 39
    Would either of you two be able to elaborate on how you worked around this error with your modules?

    I'm using the Steam version of NWN:EE Headstart and just ran into the "NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE" error while working on one of my own modules that I just started. I've tried verifying my game integrity through Steam, but other than that I'm not sure what you mean by "verify and clean" the files.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Greetings. I am receiving a similar error. I started a thread in technical support but got no help there. In making the transition from 1.69 to EE, that is, in taking a module and rebuilding it in the EE toolset, I've encountered a very particular snafu:

    "Could not save one or more custom palettes. Please check that the JTP files in %s are not read-only and that you have enough disk space." The follow-up message was that it couldn't save the file and "Please ensure you have sufficient disk space and that you have permission to write to the file."

    I have plenty of disk space-- 90 gigs-- so it must be permissions. When I go into Documents/Neverwinter/Modules, I noticed that the temp0 folder is set to Read-Only. I also noted that the Neverwinter Folder is set to Read-only. When I unset them from Read-only, they immediately revert back to read-only. Kind of stuck on this one., as I am unable to save the module after a rebuild. And I'm not entirely convinced that it has anything to do with permissions. Does anyone have insights or ideas? This is just a 1.69 mod that uses CEP 2.65 that is currently a live Server in the Old World (not sure what to call it these days, but I like the Old World).

    Cheers, my lads!
  • NassauSannardNassauSannard Member Posts: 6
    I've also had the same problem and have not been able to find a fix. It was a 1.69 module, pasted it into the EE directory, opened it, rebuilt it, loaded it..insufficent disc space. Harddrive has plenty of space. BTW, is it me ore are Beamdogs forums horribly difficult to navigate? ;)
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    As far as the forums go I first click Discussions at the top. Next I click Neverwinter Nights in the Left-hand panel just below where it says discussions. After that I right click a section link and select open in new tab and repeat that with any posts I decide to read. It's about the most efficient way I have found of navigating around in here.

  • acidchalkacidchalk Member Posts: 70
    The same thing happened to me. I added cep to a module and saved it as "module name cep" and all of a sudden i started to get the not enough disk space error. After trial and error i figured out adding cep to the end of the name made the friggin file name long enough to cause the error for whatever reason. when i renamed it to something much shorter it loaded no problem.
  • virusmanvirusman Member, Developer Posts: 173
    If you have a module or some other content that helps reproduce the issue, please create a ticket on Redmine and upload that content along with instructions on how to reproduce the issue. The easier it is to reproduce, the more likely it is to get fixed.
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