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Nov 28th or 30th. Could we get confirmation?

To my knowledge, both the 30th and 28th are likely dates for Bg:EE to ship. Officially it was set to 30th, with Trent saying they're "aiming for 28th".

The thing is, I still have a few more days of vacation left to spend in 2012 and I don't have much to use it on, so I want to spend at least one of them on the day of release. But to do that, I need to know (very very soon) exactly which date to set up with my employer.

Thanks in advance ;)


  • ElofElof Member Posts: 42
    I'm assuming 30th and hoping for 28th. Either way, I've got an extended weekend booked ready for BG:EE!

    If I had a girlfriend I'm sure she'd be thrilled...

    .. really, because any girlfriend of mine is going to love Boo.
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    edited November 2012
    I once clicked Boo on the inventory and my cat started searching around the speakers for a rodent. When he realised he ouldn't find it, he slept over my monitor all night xD

    If I were you, I would go for november 30, just to be safe ;)
  • awin123awin123 Member Posts: 55
    I'm still worried about the complete lack of in game footage, trailers, and even screenshots. I really don't want to wait another 3 months.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    awin123 said:

    I'm still worried about the complete lack of in game footage, trailers, and even screenshots. I really don't want to wait another 3 months.

    The developers have been in good spirits about the November 28th release date. On top of that, Trent Oster said a while back that they will go with that release date rain or shine. We aren't going to get another delay.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    awin123 said:

    I'm still worried about the complete lack of in game footage, trailers, and even screenshots. I really don't want to wait another 3 months.

    Please see my post here.

  • drsahldrsahl Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2012
    Elof said:

    I'm assuming 30th and hoping for 28th. Either way, I've got an extended weekend booked ready for BG:EE!

    If I had a girlfriend I'm sure she'd be thrilled...

    .. really, because any girlfriend of mine is going to love Boo.

    When I played BG my GF always came to click on Boo.. so I am pretty sure you are right on that part :)
    She didnt like Edwin however ^^
    Post edited by drsahl on
  • drsahldrsahl Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2012
    Double posting ftw!

    Post edited by drsahl on
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    edited November 2012
    I was kind of hoping for the 30th just cos it's a Friday. Not sure my work schedule can handle a release on the 28th!
  • FentonFenton Member Posts: 38
    Sweet 28th time to bust some skulls than
  • awin123awin123 Member Posts: 55

    awin123 said:

    I'm still worried about the complete lack of in game footage, trailers, and even screenshots. I really don't want to wait another 3 months.

    Please see my post here.

    The game is due out in +/- a week, I really hope they have the game finished by now and aren't putting any finishing touches on stuff. Don't get me wrong I really don't care about screenshots or any of the usual nonsense that gaming media spews out pre-launch. I just want to know that the game is done and isn't being fixed at the last minute. It also certainly doesn't take weeks to approve screenshots for public consumption, I don't know where you got the ridiculous idea from, but as a person employed in the gaming industry I can safely say that it's nonsense for the most part, just like their announcement of the initial delay days before launch was nonsense. If this was done with a lesser known/respected IP you can be sure that people wouldn't be so forgiving and apologetic towards the devs and their actions.

    We also saw how well last minute fixes worked last time when we got a 2+ month delay 4 days before launch, I have no reason to put it past them that they wouldn't delay the game again if they felt it was necessary to complete their vision of the final product. I don't care in the end, I pre-purchased the game months ago so I'm just waiting for release, but it's absurd to take the word of a person on twitter as fact that the game will release on time when there's proof that last minute delays are not beyond realm of possibility.

    TL;DR - I'll believe it when I see it, until then there's zero difference between this release date and the previous one.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2012
    awin123, this isn't your average game with a company/publisher relationship. This is a game that seemingly millions of people own the rights to. They have to jump through a ton of hoops to publish anything ... so yes, it DOES take weeks to approve screenshots for public consumption. We have been told this by the developers, that's where we got "the ridiculous idea from."
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - $20

    New iPad to play BG:EE - $500

    Going from the President of Beamdog to "a person on Twitter" - Priceless
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    TL;DR - images like this were made for a reason (props @ZelgadisGW)
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