World of Caenyr (WoC)

Since people are doing advertisements for their PW:s, I figured I might as well get in on the fun and advertise the server I will be playing at.
World of Caenyr (WoC) is an old PW, at least by NWN standards. We had somewhat of a declining player base as the game got older and pretty much shut down during 2014. With the enhanced edition coming out, we will open up the servers once again.
At this time, the servers are not up, but anyone interested in a persistent world with a rich player-driven history can check out our forums at and take part in the discussions in which direction to take the server after the EE has hit the shelves.
New or old player, it doesn't matter. Welcome all!
World of Caenyr (WoC) is an old PW, at least by NWN standards. We had somewhat of a declining player base as the game got older and pretty much shut down during 2014. With the enhanced edition coming out, we will open up the servers once again.
At this time, the servers are not up, but anyone interested in a persistent world with a rich player-driven history can check out our forums at and take part in the discussions in which direction to take the server after the EE has hit the shelves.
New or old player, it doesn't matter. Welcome all!

Not recommended, if it's still around these days.