BG2:EE Bonus Merchants

This is looking ahead to the projected sequel, but will BG2:EE include the two bonus merchants? Deidre in the Adventurer's Mart and Joluv in the Copper Coronet have many a useful item, and I am curious as to whether or not their wares will be available automatically with the game.
Shield of Balduran makes Beholders a joke
Helm of Vhalor is alright I guess, but maybe it should be 3 charges max, more limited to certain pure classes.
Also, it's not like you have to use items just because they're there. The Cloak of Mirroring is a good example unrelated to merchants, not to mention scrolls of protection from undead. No one can make your playthrough cheesy but yourself.
Perhaps also the robe of vecna should only lower spellcasting to 2 not 1? Not sure. But it looks kindda stupid when casting spells sometimes...
The items the bonus merchants sell were intended to aid soloers.
Don't give the devs this kind of stupid ideas ! (sorry for the bad manners - no offense intended).
The videogame market is already littered with c r a p p y commercial methods and whatsoever over-exepensive DLC (what's funny is, in French, DLC acronym means "up the a s s").