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was there problems with BG running on vista

I ask this as certain parts of the game would not have any actions/reactions , ie: when you get poisoned in BG and have 10 days to do a quest or something(was a long time ago)could not find the fella and after 10 days nothing happened , does anyone else know of these problems as now hopefully will be able to play the game complete now : )


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    On any version of windows vista or later, there were some issues such as npcs not talking to you when you clicked on them. However most of these are fixed if you install the latest patch. (which admittedly not many installations come with)

    And yes, I'd expect every single problem of the kind of severity you mentioned to be fixed in the new version.
  • saffon69saffon69 Member Posts: 58
    yesssssssss thanks , not long now
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Also on any version of Vista and later, it's advice not to install into the Program Files folder but choose another install path, as Vista and 7 are picky about what you're allowed to change inside that folder and make 'compabatibility files' of some files that are changed, but are harder to spot by mods or if you yourself are tweaking or trying to locate your savegames.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    I have zero troubles on vista with vanilla + patch. However, I needed that patch @ajwz mentioned (really annoying bug).
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