What does "Ghost Dust" innate ability of the Dust Mephit Familiar do?

I'm thinking of running a neutral evil or lawful evil fighter/mage in my first BGEE run-through and have been looking at the evil familiars (or at least how they are in SOA, they might, and perhaps should, be toned-down in BGEE, assuming they're available at all). Anyway, the neutral evil familiar is the Dust Mephit, this can cast the very useful "Glitterdust" spell one a day, but also have "Ghost Dust" as an innate they can use twice a day. I'm not exactly sure what this does, though, as there does not seem to be a corresponding spell - can anyone clarify?
I've tried using it, and it *seems* to be a party friendly group disabling spell, those enemies who fail the save are said to be "Irritated by ghost dust", so it obviously does *something*, but I'm not clear what this is.
The Imp familiar that lawful evil gets can polymorph, which is very cool, but confers less HP to the PC in SOA, and let's face it, your familiar will be in your pack most of the time, so those HP are probably the main benefit of familiars, which is one of the reasons I'm considering neutral evil over lawful evil (also easier to RP, I think).
I've tried using it, and it *seems* to be a party friendly group disabling spell, those enemies who fail the save are said to be "Irritated by ghost dust", so it obviously does *something*, but I'm not clear what this is.
The Imp familiar that lawful evil gets can polymorph, which is very cool, but confers less HP to the PC in SOA, and let's face it, your familiar will be in your pack most of the time, so those HP are probably the main benefit of familiars, which is one of the reasons I'm considering neutral evil over lawful evil (also easier to RP, I think).
I remember only one time I actually bothered to let one out of my backpack to help in particularly difficult fight. I carefully kept it alive in the fight itself, but then promptly forgot about it afterwards, and it ended up dying off screen to what I can only assume was probably an umberhulk.
DLTCEP I don't know, will look that up
Chromatic Orb for instance is SPWI118.SPL (on a vanilla BG1 install). It's got a relatively straightforward structure:
First, if you look at SPWI118.SPL you'll see 7 spell abilities listed as ranged, each one corresponding to a level range, as Chromatic Orb changes with the level of the caster. These abilities are ordered by the "minimum level" field, with the highest possible eligible level version being the one actually cast.
Second, looking at one of these spell abilities e.g. the max level one (minimum level 7 in BG1) you'll see it doesn't reference any .EFF or .SPL files but contains its 6 effects directly. One effect for damage, one for stun and the remaining four for lightning effects, string, sound and icon display.
This is basically the easiest way to handle it. The Spell Revisions mod for BG2 changes this spell, and instead makes it reference 8 other spells - one for each possible out of 7 orb colours with their own effects, and a final one that does the raw damage depending on caster level. In this case each of the colour-oriented daughter spells is named after the orb colour (white orb, red orb etc) whereas the spell that deals the damage is unnamed and thus can't be searched for by name.
Effect: Type: Damage (12),Target: Preset target (2),Power: 1,Amount: 0,Mode: Normal (0),
DLTCEP just gives me "HP: Damage [12] (0x0 0x400000)" for most of them. ?
A level 10 Fireball for instance will have a minimum level of 10 and two damage effects - one with 5d6 fire damage without save, and one with 5d6 fire damage and a breath save.
1) Able to cast Level 2 spells (which is what Gliiterdust is) i.e. Level 3/3
or perhaps even
2) Until she learns the spell (though depends how difficult it will be to find the scroll, don't want to over-nerf either). Actually maybe I'll let my familar use Glass Dust when I get to Level 3/3, then Gliiterdust when my fighter/mage learns the spell.
This is because I can see that being able cast Glitterdust and Ghostdust from Level 1 is over-powered, so am trying to balance things a little, am still going to use my familiar (though perhaps mostly kept in my pack) to get the extra 12HP, though.