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A nostalgic request - please, include a toolset button on the main menu

And, I've got the lastest patch and all, but I don't find any way to access modules from the main menu either.
No "Modules" or anything (but perhaps I'm doing it wrong, I haven't played NWN1 for ages.) :)


  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    edited December 2017
    Toolset button will no doubt come in time. Currently you have to create your own shortcut or just open from the folder manually.

    As for your "no modules" menu item - it's there. Start a single or multiplayer game and choose "Other Modules" - the bottom menu item. Incidentally, the Premium Modules are also selectable there (alongside the specific menu item for Premium Modules).
  • IndiraLightfootIndiraLightfoot Member Posts: 29
    Hah, I see it now. So, obvious, but hanging like, three row below the rest, under "New".
    Yeah, I already knew about the toolset.

    I'd also like to see a tick box for toggling all the loading splashes at the very start of the game, instead of my going into the nwn.ini in order to fix it.
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