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Just kidding.

Seriously, guys, just stop trying to throw in rebalancing. :( Seriously. 15 year old game. Contractual limitations. Based on rules developed in 1977.

Seriously, please. Guys?

... Guys?


  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    I don't think time or distance is the problem. It's more that Bioware didn't consider that what works on paper doesn't work so well on a computer.

    I haven't heard anything about contracts setting limitations on mechanics. If so, that's disappointing. One might expect an "enhanced" edition to do more than mere bug fixes -- like not allowing players to abuse PnP mechanics in a videogame.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Brude - what abuses would you specifically want to remove from BG?
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    You don't have to "abuse" anything if you don't want to. Save the Super Cheesey Cheese for the fights you just can't get past.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    Like, ima gonna use the robe of vecna everytime I play the game, then whine on forums that robe of vecna is overpowered and demand a nerf, when ya know, I could have just not used the robe, nor installed the bonus merchants in the first place.

    Its also funny to think that PnP doesn't work well in a video game, its sure worked well in this game and kept it alive for over 15 years. How many non PnP RPGs are this old, still so popular and as fun? The answer is zero.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    There are a number of rebalancing mods out there for various classes. Gibberlings 3 has quite a few. I think it's pretty neat that we can have those options, if we wish. I'm all for a high level of customization to suit various playstyles and preferences. That seems to be the logical conclusion reached with Edition Next, at least from what I've read so far.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318

    There is nothing inherently wrong about 1977, or any rule set developed in that time frame *indignant emoticon*.

    I'll be honest that 1977 is, um, mostly a blur for me, lol.

  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    1977.... I was really out of it back then. I was -8 years old. XD

    Anyway~ In a real game the Dungeon Master would change things up to keep the game interesting. Baldur's Gate can't do that for you. So either you need to self-impose challenges or download mods to change things so you won't know how things will turn out each time. If you think something is too overpowered, just don't use it. If you're playing in a Multiplayer game, set the ground rules ahead of time. It's not rocket surgery.
  • VedwintheTyrantVedwintheTyrant Member Posts: 50
    @ - CaptRory "Rocket Surgery" priceless!
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Nineteen seventy WHAT? o_O
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    D&D was very well-balanced. Generally, mis-balances came through implementation of good ideas (but not well-balanced) from Dragon magazine.

    As for BG balance - it's unbalanced because you can re-roll until you get ridiculous. We talk about the Kensai->mage. To get an awesome one, you have to play with dice and roll, roll, roll. Try to do that with a character with 63 total points (average of 3.5 per roll of a d6 x 3 per stat x 6 stats). I'm sure it can be done, but you will not have the amazingness that a BG character with ~90+ points will have (an average of 10-11 on stats is << than an <i>average of 15+).

    Later rules that let you roll 3 and drop the lowest, or roll six characters, boost that average of 63 to around 70, but that's still a far cry from the average 'accepted' BG character.

    I'm not saying to change how BG is played. It's more a rebuttal of how badly balanced D&D was or is.
  • sterriussterrius Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2012
    "Try to do that with a character with 63 total points"

    Well the Masters Book said if you don´t want to roll you can make a character with 75 points. (thats why this is the minimum amount you can get in Baldurs gate 2). ( but also have another 24 ways of creating a char with or without rolls heheh, for me the 75 points is the most balanced).

    Also im sure about it because its the rule we are using in a AD&D campaing my friends and i are playing (birthright scenario).

    75 points is also the number im going to use in BG1. (if im able to get a number so low).

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    CaptRory said:

    1977.... I was really out of it back then. I was -8 years old. XD

    Anyway~ In a real game the Dungeon Master would change things up to keep the game interesting. Baldur's Gate can't do that for you. So either you need to self-impose challenges or download mods to change things so you won't know how things will turn out each time. If you think something is too overpowered, just don't use it. If you're playing in a Multiplayer game, set the ground rules ahead of time. It's not rocket surgery.

    Heh, someone could mod the game so its like the Director in L4D. You know, throws random things in your way :)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    @AndreaColumbo: My point with showing when the rule set came out is to show that's kind of the appeal of AD&D nowadays. If you want to play something hyperbalanced, go pick up a Pathfinder rulebook and roll dice in person with your friends and leave my video games I've been enjoying for the better part of two decades alone. :)

    @reedmilfam: No it wasn't. D&D in any iteration ever has never been remotely balanced. That's because the entire concept was make believe with rules. A wizard is inherently just more powerful than some fighter. This is true through every edition, ever, once you hit level 5 or so and beyond.

    I guess my whole point here is I'm getting really tired of seeing thread after thread saying, "X is over/underpowered. Fix X!" when it's all stuff subjective to that person. I'd be okay with that if people were asking the modding community to do it, because that's akin to house rules. But you don't go to the developer who can't "fix" that problem anyway making demands to inherently change the core make up of a game literally considered the greatest RPG of all time by a large number of people.

    Don't get me wrong; I have a lot of issues with AD&D myself and there's things if I had the ability to mod, I would. I think the discrepancy in XP tables needs to be addressed in a way that at least makes sense within itself. (Clerics level up third fast til lvl7, then magically level slower than mages, the previous slowest level gainers, til level 13? what is this i don't even)

    The rules have been established as a fun product for longer than kids currently in middle school have been alive on this earth. So let's chill out a little on making demands of Overhaul about changing the rules to the game to "balance it" a week before it comes out.
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201

    @Brude - what abuses would you specifically want to remove from BG?

    Do Contigency spells stack in BG? There was a thread about that. That would just be a bug fix. And maybe some kind of cost balance with certain spells, like Timestop. That's not re-balancing, that is balancing the game by the book.

    But otherwise, BGEE is going to be the basic system it is - AD&D 2.5, which is an evolutionary tweak in the timeline. Core 2nd, as BG1 is closer to, is much easier to manage.
    But I also agree that those who love rules exploits at least aren't harming anyone else's experience, except in multiplayer, and there you have a choice as well.
    The stats for the main BG character are easily gross, but I think that expectation is already built into the game. Your character might stat out like a demi-god or demon prince, which ends up being appropriate. But if you're a truly skilled player across the board, not just a DPS counter, you can play a 15 STR fighter all the way through -
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    edited November 2012

    @Brude - what abuses would you specifically want to remove from BG?

    @AndreaColumbo The mechanics around "rest until healed", mage memorization, scrolls, wands, HP on level up, fog of war/line of sight, enemy AI, etc are all weak enough that you can cheese the game without even intending to. None of that would work in a PnP game, because the GM wouldn't allow it.

    Items are a different bag. I think the people who argue "well just don't use them" are mostly right. Still, for me, it undermines dev credibility and overall game design that I have to think about that nonsense to begin with.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Brude said:

    @Brude - what abuses would you specifically want to remove from BG?

    @AndreaColumbo The mechanics around "rest until healed", mage memorization, scrolls, wands, HP on level up, fog of war/line of sight, enemy AI, etc are all weak enough that you can cheese the game without even intending to. None of that would work in a PnP game, because the GM wouldn't allow it.

    Items are a different bag. I think the people who argue "well just don't use them" are mostly right. Still, for me, it undermines dev credibility and overall game design that I have to think about that nonsense to begin with.
    I agree with you on "rest until healed" But without it, one could simply have a healer cast cure spells and keep resting to do it again. Do you have a suggestion on how this can be fixed?

    I dont see an issue with HP on level up (As long as you have your difficulty set to "AD&D core rules" then you dont get max on level up. Maybe im mistaking your concern, please elaborate?

    I imagine your concern with mage memorization is cheesing XP? Then I agree. If not, please elaborate.

  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Last time I checked, "rest until healed" was an option in BG.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560

    Last time I checked, "rest until healed" was an option in BG.

    That's only half the story. Rest until healed mitigates the need to have any healing spells or pots whatsoever. As long as somebody doesn't get chunked, you're good to go. (It also, effectively, gives everyone in the party Kagain's CON regen).

    Even if it's off (and I can't remember if it's a default option), the entire rest mechanic in BG makes the mage process of memorizing spells per day totally irrelevant.

    Again, it's possible to cheese the game and make it significantly easier around the rest mechanic, even if you don't intend to do that.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560

    I agree with you on "rest until healed" But without it, one could simply have a healer cast cure spells and keep resting to do it again. Do you have a suggestion on how this can be fixed?

    You can't really fix it without radically altering the mechanic. You could put the spell system on an actual, in game clock, but then there's issues around doing that.

    I just offered that as an example of something that works just fine in PnP but breaks down completely in a computer game.

    I dont see an issue with HP on level up (As long as you have your difficulty set to "AD&D core rules" then you dont get max on level up. Maybe im mistaking your concern, please elaborate?

    It mostly depends on how the game ships. IIRC, the original game defaulted to "normal" when you first installed it. In other words, new players got max HP and spell memorization out of the box, with no downside, and without realizing that's a bit of a cheese of the actual ruleset.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477

    Mungri said:

    How many non PnP RPGs are this old, still so popular and as fun? The answer is zero.

    The answer is Fallout

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2012
    Fredjo said:

    Mungri said:

    How many non PnP RPGs are this old, still so popular and as fun? The answer is zero.

    The answer is Fallout

    Good game with its own balance issues but its not on the level of popularity as fallout or BG though.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    elminster said:

    Fredjo said:

    Mungri said:

    How many non PnP RPGs are this old, still so popular and as fun? The answer is zero.

    The answer is Fallout

    Good game with its own balance issues but its not on the level of popularity as fallout or BG though.
    true, it's quite sad tho, this game is really on par with F and BG, it's been forgotten like a sad puppy in a backstreet n_n
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Arcanum is one of my favorite games, although I don't think I've ever actually beaten it XD I usually get bored around going to that island where you can help the woman escape to the amazons. I think its where the dwarves were supposed to be vanished to.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    Only light re-balancing is required, IMO. I'd prefer nothing be changed...but then I think of those poor, underprivileged kits.
  • AndrewRogueAndrewRogue Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2012

    @AndreaColumbo The mechanics around "rest until healed", mage memorization, scrolls, wands, HP on level up, fog of war/line of sight, enemy AI, etc are all weak enough that you can cheese the game without even intending to. None of that would work in a PnP game, because the GM wouldn't allow it.

    Assuming a GM would never allow/disallow something specific is a foolhardy endeavor. You would be AMAZED at this stuff some GMs allow to fly and the stuff others don't.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389

    Assuming a GM would never allow/disallow something specific is a foolhardy endeavor. You would be AMAZED at this stuff some GMs allow to fly and the stuff others don't.

    That's actually quite true. I tend to be of the mind the best way to enjoy D&D or any other tabletop RPG is to allow anything to fly as long as it's fun.

    Like, the game I realized one of the things you can summon with Monster Summoning III in Pathfinder is a shark. So, I got on my magic carpet and flew really high in the sky to literally summon sharks like they were predator missiles.
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