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where can better looking character model mods be found?

sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
i've seen a few screen shots of people's games where they were definitely using some updated character models and i was wondering where people were getting them from, i remember back in the day i had some, but they seem to be lost to me now and some of the web sites i went on to just didnt have or know what i was looking for

anybody out there know where i can find some?


  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    Try or
  • dafenadafena Member Posts: 74
    They are everywhere at the neverwintervault.

    This it's my head pack (hoping that Beamdog will add vfx tint so I can make hairs with transparency!), and you cant find some body parts too. My favourite for bodies it's this one...

  • shredstallionshredstallion Member Posts: 21
    Hopefully we'll never have to use haks for cosmetics ever again if they make player created models the new standard.
  • GrymlordeGrymlorde Member Posts: 121
    A note on Gunner's new bodies: In the builder's download, he includes high-resolution versions of the textures. I highly recommend using those with EE rather than the the low-resolution ones. You'll just have to create a new hak as Gunner just gives the files. Not to mention that the high-res ones also get rid of the underwear.
  • DanarielDanariel Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2018
    How do you actually get Gunner's Bodies working with EE? Specific steps?
  • GrymlordeGrymlorde Member Posts: 121
    Take a look at this userpatch FAQ I just posted,
  • PappaChazzPappaChazz Member Posts: 20
    Quick question regarding Gunners: Can you just take the mdl's and plt's from the hak and put that into your own? IOW: if you export the pmh0_shinr001.mdl and pmh0_shinl001.plt into your own bodymdl.hak will it cause issues? Seems to work, but I've not done it on the server, yet, only a tinker-mod for looking at things.
  • dafenadafena Member Posts: 74

    Quick question regarding Gunners: Can you just take the mdl's and plt's from the hak and put that into your own? IOW: if you export the pmh0_shinr001.mdl and pmh0_shinl001.plt into your own bodymdl.hak will it cause issues? Seems to work, but I've not done it on the server, yet, only a tinker-mod for looking at things.

    Yes, that's how it works. It dosn't matter where you put the mdl and plt as long it's somewhere :p

    Just remember the importance of haks order: everything above will overwrite anything below, so if you have repeated models, the one higher will be the one showing!
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Just to make things a little clearer. Anything in a lower hak with the same and type as something in a higher hak will be overwritten by the higher haks contents. Anything in the override folder with the same and type as something in a hak will be overwritten by the hak contents.

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