condescending dialogue

Started playing BG2EE and was wondering when is that annoying tone from the NPC's going to stop. Greetings like: "Get away from me, peasant! I'll not be chummied by the likes of you!" or "Bah! I'll not lower myself to deal with one who is so obviously base!" or "*sigh* Why do I always get the poor ones tugging at my pantaloons?"
Constantly being made out to be the lowest of the lowest is bloody annoying, is that ever going to end. Have reputation of 19, am lord of Nalia's Keep, Charisma is maxed and still character is treated as the most foul beggar.
Constantly being made out to be the lowest of the lowest is bloody annoying, is that ever going to end. Have reputation of 19, am lord of Nalia's Keep, Charisma is maxed and still character is treated as the most foul beggar.
There are a few dialogues that check for charisma, though. In the Trademeet bar, a sitting noblewoman shoos you away telling she already has a date if your pc is ugly. If your pc is handsome (high cha) she will say she can sit with you instead, dismissing her former date. It also depends on the outcome of druids quest, too. (quest not done but high cha she says you are nice enough but she is still afraid) Nothing really comes out of this dialogue, but it is there.
The dryad queen in Windspear hills first dialogue also changes a bit: she welcomes pretty people to spend eternity with her if your pc is handsome, if not she will be colder. You can do dryad acorn quests in either scenario, though. So most changes are superficial dialogue changes. Whereas in bg1, for example, Fuller gives you +1 dagger right at the start of the game if you are charming enough. Some other quests give better rewards too, you can get magical boots from a nobleman you save from a bear if your cha is high enough. If not he only gives a paltry amount of coins.
Note that most of these instances check not only for charisma, but also the reaction modifier, which is based on both your charisma and reputation modifier combined. So a middling 15 charisma and 20 reputation may be equal of 18 charisma, or 18 charisma and terrible reputation may fare worse. There really is no cure for ugly pcs, though, save ring of human influence and/or friends spell.
Thx for the replies
Cowlies, Nobles, factional leaders, Drow, Harpers, Shadow thieves, all must fall to the Spawn of Murder!
Until than, no dialog mods to help keep the good guys good?
If it helps, you can always be looked down upon because you were given the keep through hard work. Yuck. Nobility is all about the bloodlines. You're just a peasant playing dress up as far as these folk are concerned.
And sure, you may not have nobility in your blood, but just wait until they hear what you do have...
a vagrantI mean, an adventurer, was he not? So what if he's been allowed to play a god for a short while :rolleyes:Regarding paladins in forgotten realms, you do not necessarily need to be nobility to become a paladin. Paladins are chosen by their deity to be paladins (and then they need to accept).
I do believe you're right that recognized paladins are considered to be nobility though. But still, not "old blood".
Most importantly, as someone above said, it's almost as if they're goading the Bhaalspawn.