count down to new era!!!
Member Posts: 262
are all ready to new baldur's era, starting tomorrow?
yup its coming closer
just saw two of the same poll in the italian forum hehe
Cheers btw
still hoping for a collector's edition sometime
@LMTR14 be patient!!! it's the first time you play bg?
Just love the way you are
Time of Troubles require Avatars to walk the land! BG:EE is like on the job training. a lot of old glasses
2. where i don't know. probably if you buy new is better. and cheaper. and not already broken. windows
4. throw all of you "glasses" through windows.
when eltonbarrel ear a "crack!" , it is a signal that all of you start to play BGEE!!! YYYYEEEAAAHHHHH!
ps.: i try to throw a "glass" through my windows.results:
i broke screen of my notebook. sigh.........
....mmmm.... maybe we can ask for it .
toc toc toc: mr. beamdog? miss BGEE download?
oh hi! have you decide an ETA, please? people are still running in a brownian motion!!!!
BECAUSE YOU MR AND MISS don't ever cheat about it!!!!
well really, i don't know.
some of you, or all of you, have an idea or an answer to Nemissa (and me?)
Too bad ill be at work at that time
don't worry!!!!
you must ear a big CCCCCRRRRRACCCCKKKKK!
mee...... tooooo...... sob...... sigh......
ehm.... sorry... wrong post.