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Compiler problems

When i importing script packages to my PW freescape i ran into some problems when trying to compile a module that contained both CEP and Shayans Subrace Engine.

When compiling a module containing only Shayans Subrace Engine i ran into some IDENTIFIER LIST FULL errors at four of the spell scripts. However when i imported CEP i the toolset simply crashed with the ERROR ACCES VIOLATION.

I manege to get it to compile without any errors in 1.69 toolset using NWN:TX (Toolset Extender).

Since the extended toolset compiler doesn't spring any error messages i'm assuming its not a problem with the scripts but mainly with the compiler. Is there any plans to make the compiler more powerful or is anyone planning to make NWN:TX work with EE?


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    Good question. i use NWNTX for the performance boost - is that already in EE, or to come?
  • CablefishCablefish Member Posts: 37
    It's not in EE yet. TX in 1.69 loads a bit faster i think.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited December 2017
    Join the voices for an updated compiler. I hoping they do an update to the compiler and/or a NWTX is updated to EE. If they don't, I have to do a big code rewrite that I not looking forward too.
  • CablefishCablefish Member Posts: 37
    Yeah. And i'm stuck developing in 1.69 instead of 1.74. Don't know what i'm missing out on besides spellcheck option and cosmetics though. I do want to develop in 1.74 to support and test further development. So far it's just not feasible for me :|
  • charissa1066charissa1066 Member Posts: 33
    I'm not familiar with NWN:EE, but anything that improves the NWN Compiler would be fantastic!
  • Barry_1066Barry_1066 Member Posts: 77
    Cablefish said:

    When i importing script packages to my PW freescape i ran into some problems when trying to compile a module that contained both CEP and Shayans Subrace Engine.

    When compiling a module containing only Shayans Subrace Engine i ran into some IDENTIFIER LIST FULL errors at four of the spell scripts. However when i imported CEP i the toolset simply crashed with the ERROR ACCES VIOLATION.

    I manege to get it to compile without any errors in 1.69 toolset using NWN:TX (Toolset Extender).

    Since the extended toolset compiler doesn't spring any error messages i'm assuming its not a problem with the scripts but mainly with the compiler. Is there any plans to make the compiler more powerful or is anyone planning to make NWN:TX work with EE?

    I have compiler failure when doing everything - I can compile scripts but areas, with more than 2000, is a show stopper.

    How to add haks: Stop the compile - hit cancel as soon as possible. Until the toolset is fixed this is the only option for larger modules.

    Working with scripts or other module resources (remember not all hak materials are module resources) examples: scripts, areas (yes they can be in haks), creatures, placables, conversations, stores and such that are all contained in modules can be easily imported and exported via the temp folder.

    When Toolset opens a module there is a temp folder made in the module folder. Cut and paste to this temp folder to add or delete resources. Save and reload the module.

    The advantage of removing and or adding via the temp folder is:

    1) Very easily and quickly done using the standard OS GUI
    2) NO auto compile or other module breaking action taken by the toolset.

    Using the compiler - go to the advanced options and turn off everything but the ONE thing you need it to do - such as compile scripts.

    These tricks should keep you going.
  • Dreadlord_AnwynDreadlord_Anwyn Member Posts: 48
    Sounds like maybe if you compile smaller groups of scripts it may function, as in break them up into smaller, manageable erfs. Just a thought. You can throw things at me for it if you like because I probably live far away from you.
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