Need help modifying the paladin to use charisma instead of wisdom for spellcasting.

I would like to change the paladins spellcasting ability from wisdom to charisma like in 5th edition.
i tried changing the "PrimaryAbil" in "classes.2da" but this does no change the wisdom requirement to cast spells from wis to cha and it does not provide any bonus spell slots from charisma either.
and at character creation a wisdom of 11 is still required.
is there anywhere i can change these things?
I would like to change the paladins spellcasting ability from wisdom to charisma like in 5th edition.
i tried changing the "PrimaryAbil" in "classes.2da" but this does no change the wisdom requirement to cast spells from wis to cha and it does not provide any bonus spell slots from charisma either.
and at character creation a wisdom of 11 is still required.
is there anywhere i can change these things?