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Welcome to the NWN:EE Trello Board Discussion



  • mlkent22mlkent22 Member Posts: 41
    I would like to request 2 new scripting functions: Get Custom Faction, and Set Custom Faction.
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    It would be nice if your finger for adjusting camera didn’t only pan left/right but up/down too. Or just make it an option.?
  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 223
    I haven't seen this requested before, so here it is. I'd like a SetTileAnimation / GetTileAnimation pair of functions.

    The first would, at minimum, take a location and whether to turn the tile animation at that location on and off. An option might be to also specify how quickly to start or stop the animation, so that any player viewing it sees the animation slow to a stop instead of just suddenly stopping. A return value showing whether or not that tile was now animated would be nice.

    The second would, at minimum, take a location and return a true/false status of whether or not the animation at that location was running.

    This would be useful if a module builder wants (for example) the windmill to be still until a player delivers a sack of grain to be turned into flour.
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