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Selling and Identifying Items is a PITA

Hey all,

I apologize if this has been mentioned--"sell" and "quick" are fairly generic search terms that didn't get me far. I didn't see it on Trello.

I have normally played fairly loot-light modules or been the DM in campaigns so maybe I haven't noticed this before (or blissfully forgot in the intervening years)... but selling and identifying items is a pain in the coppers.

The right click or drag process is compounded by the immovable UI of course.

Proposal 1: Many games have a toggle that flips you into sell mode. This could be a key (CTRL for example) or a store UI button that allows you to quickly sell items.

Proposal 2: Another option that would be nice is the RPG ubiquitous "Buy Back" tab. This would remove any concerns from accidentally quick selling and/or being an idiot (like me) and accidentally selling the unidentified 100k artifact for pennies.


  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I would support these ideas. Although it's worth noting that there is already a sell button on the rightclick menu for items (when a store is open), which can speed things up somewhat. Still no substitute for a proper shift-click sell or similar.
  • MalclaveMalclave Member Posts: 47
    Jarrakul said:

    Although it's worth noting that there is already a sell button on the rightclick menu for items (when a store is open),

    Yeah, that makes me want the "Buy Back" option even more... for when I forget the merchant is still open and end up Selling an item I meant to Equip.
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    Well, it's not ideal, but knowing the radial direction of the action you want to quickly do in succession, you can right-click + numpad to do things very rapidly.
  • jglvz256jglvz256 Member Posts: 52
    Playing in a square-screen resolution means you don't have to drag items so far.

    I usually play this way because I sometimes find a stretched interface to be a bit of a problem.
  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    I wonder about the feasibility of adding double-click to buy or sell when a store panel is open. It seems to be a common feature in many other games, and would probably be the easiest-to-use method.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Is there any way to buy more than one say potion at a time? Or do I continue to drag drop when I want say 10 potions of healing?

  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
  • MadHatterMadHatter Member Posts: 145
    Stacks is only part of the problem though!
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    That was a response to @TarotRedhand 's comment. is on the Beamdog Roadmap.
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    edited December 2017
    Sorry, I was thinking this was another thread. I like your "sell/buy" flip system, maybe that might be a cool idea.
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