I have created a module that levels characters up to 6 and equips them accordingly. Is there a location where I may upload this module for others to use?
Cool. I want to play test it a bit more before I upload it. The idea is too many modules have starting levels of 3 or higher but do not autolevel a character upon importing (let alone equipping them). So I made a module to let players level up to 6 (or down to 1 if they want) and gives them stuff automatically. I also wanted to start learning NWScript so I thought this would be a good start.
And it was. It's amazing how coding knowledge from one language transfers into others.
is it normal that i cannot find coroutines / models / etc? (not that I need them) but this website is very inferior in terms of usability / Presentation than the original
(-edit: i found some stuff under the misleading "project" menu)
What pray is misleading about the term projects? Since the vault was created by the community, is run by the community and is done on a shoestring, it is bound to look different to a commercially operated site like the old ign vault.
Maybe this is the wrong place to mention it but it seems a majority of the tutorials that I used to rely on have vanished from the net. Am I mistaken about that and they are all just hidden away on the NWNVault?
Maybe this is the wrong place to mention it but it seems a majority of the tutorials that I used to rely on have vanished from the net. Am I mistaken about that and they are all just hidden away on the NWNVault?
Have a look at this thread on here and if, after following the links mentioned on there, you still can't see what you want ask.
And it was. It's amazing how coding knowledge from one language transfers into others.
(-edit: i found some stuff under the misleading "project" menu)