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Question about current state of Head start

Hi there. I'm considering picking up the digital deluxe edition today, but I have a question about what's currently playable in the head start. Are the official campaigns playable in their entirety at this point? How about the official DLC that comes with the purchase? Do any of the community modules work at this point?

I realize this is head start and obviously being worked on, so if this stuff isn't available yet that's totally fine, but I'm just curious what the current state is. If there's someplace I should be able to find this information feel free to point me there, but it didn't seem to be in the FAQ and a search didn't turn it up either.


  • kotekokoteko Member Posts: 179
    It's absolutely playable. All original campaigns and premium modules, as well many fan-made modules (not sure which ones, though), work perfectly.

    I've been playing the OC and Kingmaker from day 1 of the EE, and have had no issue (not even across updates).
  • CabalesCabales Member Posts: 2
    That is fantastic news! Thank you!
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