Beamdog client

Have a problem with beamdog. I can enter beamdog by browser, but when I downloaded the client and instaled it, I am constantly stuck on loading screen inside of it. Only screen that works is settings and I can't do anything there.
Anyone has/had same problem and knows how to fix it? I thought it might be my firewalls but as I went through them I didn't see or find anything blocking it.
Anyone has/had same problem and knows how to fix it? I thought it might be my firewalls but as I went through them I didn't see or find anything blocking it.
Now I have same issue with download as kverdon, client gives me a message about limited connectivity already at 5%. Just in case it is client-based problem, I tried to download the game through the stand-alone installer, but it stopped downloading also somewhere around 5% and is currently displaying "Connecting..."