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Beamdog client

Have a problem with beamdog. I can enter beamdog by browser, but when I downloaded the client and instaled it, I am constantly stuck on loading screen inside of it. Only screen that works is settings and I can't do anything there.

Anyone has/had same problem and knows how to fix it? I thought it might be my firewalls but as I went through them I didn't see or find anything blocking it.


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    The game is not available to download yet, hence why you are stuck on the 'getting download info' screen.
  • vorticanvortican Member Posts: 206
    I don't know if that's the problem. No other clients I've ever used do this. What if you've downloaded the client and not bought any games? One should at least be able to get to the store, but that doesn't work either.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    Exactly, I can't get to the store on beamdog as it is stuck in loading screen. I don't mind beeing stuck in anything other then a loading screen, but like this I do know that something ain't working, specially the store.
  • slayernineslayernine Member Posts: 1
    I'm also having issues with the client. Spinning wheel of doom.
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    Same here
  • ArtArt Member Posts: 1
    I had the same problem. I've uninstalled the client, downloaded it again from beamdog. After installation of new file and launch it worked fine and I could start download.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    Well I got it to work... partially. Took it like 30ish minutes to finish the evil wheel of doom but reached the store. Now there I am stuck in picking genre. Ah... hopefully when the game comes out there won't be a problem and I'll be able to DL it and play it easy.

  • kverdonkverdon Member Posts: 27
    My download got to 42% and stopped. It gives me a message "Limited connectivity: One or More games can't be downloaded". Lame! You think they would have beefed up their servers for this. :-(
  • BabylonBabylon Member Posts: 10
    I run Beamdog client on Wimdows 7 64bit, the program window loaded but none of the buttons etc. in the client were operational (though Beamdog appeared as Active in the task manager). It was fixed by running the client in Windows XP compatibility mode.
    Now I have same issue with download as kverdon, client gives me a message about limited connectivity already at 5%. Just in case it is client-based problem, I tried to download the game through the stand-alone installer, but it stopped downloading also somewhere around 5% and is currently displaying "Connecting..."
  • vorticanvortican Member Posts: 206
    @kverdon, they've been working on the servers ever since the preload began to try and handle the load but the demand is probably higher than they anticipated. Patience is needed but the download will eventually go through for everyone. Turn on P2P mode too; helped my download a lot.
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