I thought Drakensang, and especially the River of Time, was a great game, and am still disappointed they never made a toolset for the Nebula Device engine. Especially since it's open source... If you want a game that plays similar to NWN, I don't think you can find anything closer.
I loved Tyranny, scratched all the itches that Pillars of Eternity left me with. It was kind of on the short side for a game like this, like 20-25 hours, but it does have 4 different paths through the game, so it's got good replayability. Most of the paths are evil, so I had fun with it (there is one good path), and thought most of the companions were well done and actually good at what they did, unlike Pillars. Most of the companions have cool stories about how they've managed to stay alive throughout the wars. I also love the bronze age/early iron age tech level for the world, being a fan of history from then.
Gonna go out on a limb here and also say Wasteland 2. It is postapocalyptic and turn based combat, but still a CRPG. It's a lot of fun if you're into that.
I tried Arcanum before but I had mixed feelings. Some of it was quite good in setting the tone and other parts seemed kind of sexist and then later some parts were really poorly handled. Especially all of that weird gnome stuff made me feel really uncomfortable at certain points. It's a shame because it spoiled an otherwise okay experience and made me less interested to continue.
I tried Pillars and it had some very pretty effects and an interesting world but I haven't got around to finishing it all yet.
The next one I'm going to try is Tyranny which was on sale recently, I'm interested in seeing how their spell crafting system works.
Gonna go out on a limb here and also say Wasteland 2. It is postapocalyptic and turn based combat, but still a CRPG. It's a lot of fun if you're into that.
I tried Pillars and it had some very pretty effects and an interesting world but I haven't got around to finishing it all yet.
The next one I'm going to try is Tyranny which was on sale recently, I'm interested in seeing how their spell crafting system works.