Suggestion: Custom Movie Functionality

Hi, two quick things (didn't spot this on Trello):
Suggestion 1: Fix attaching movies in the toolset. I don't see how to attach a webm movie to a module, as the File Type field is unchangeable from bink when you try to select a Starting Movie in Module Properties.
Suggestion 2 (Better Solution): Add a PlayMovie() function to allow webm movie files to be played at any time in a module rather than just module start. This would make the Starting Movie module property unnecessary.
Suggestion 1: Fix attaching movies in the toolset. I don't see how to attach a webm movie to a module, as the File Type field is unchangeable from bink when you try to select a Starting Movie in Module Properties.
Suggestion 2 (Better Solution): Add a PlayMovie() function to allow webm movie files to be played at any time in a module rather than just module start. This would make the Starting Movie module property unnecessary.
Oh and Merry Christmas.
Of course, when you think about it, the game should pause while the vid is playing, so that the player doesn't wind up dinner for some wandering monster while they're watching a movie. That brings up a lot more issues for MP, though. Maybe have 2 versions of the command, one that pauses the game and one that doesn't?
While the toolset will not allow you to attach a wbm movie file directly in module properties, the client will look for a wbm movie of the same name as an attached bik. The solution is to attach biks to modules, then convert the biks into wbm.
For existing custom modules that have intro movies, use a program like Hewbo Video Converter to make the bik into a wbm (a lot of converters default the extension to webm so just remove the e).
This means modules aren't broken, but you have to go through an extra step and have a converter program on hand.
It'd be nice if we could have the editor look for wbm filetypes and avoid the workaround.