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NWN OC Less Random Loot System

NWN Official Campaigns mostly random loot system is pretty annoying, there should be a selection of fixed loot from Bosses and Chests as well as random loot.
Last time I used the Toolset to mod the OC I noticed very few enemies have even basic equipment and those that do most of it is set to "not droppable".


  • ThorssonThorsson Member Posts: 190
    Random loot is part of D&D. And do you really want wagon loads of droppable loot from each encounter?
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    I blame myself here, but I have an annoying tendency to loot anything that drops. I don't want "basic equipment" dropping for that reason. I end up not taking crafting feats that I might want otherwise because I don't want every single skeleton, wolf, chest, door, etc. dropping mundane crafting pieces for things that most players wouldn't consider using. However, having more options available to players is normally a good thing. If only I could somehow ignore all of the crappy drops.
  • MadHatterMadHatter Member Posts: 145
    I think this comes down to your philosophy:

    In the D&D campaigns I've played in, I've never been able to grab every rusty goblin short sword and low quality bandit leather armor and then sell it at the nearest town.

    As for loot tables, those are fairly easy to create. They've said many times they aren't going to go back and change the OC for change's sake--they feel that time is better spent on new, better stories or engine changes. The most annoying part about the OC were all the barrels and crates that randomly had gold and gems in them.

    It's weird, whenever I dig around containers around people's homes I normally find trash. I did find an iPad in a non-static container in front of someone's house this week, so maybe Bioware had it right? Loot. Everything.
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    If you explain your idea better, someone could very easily provide you a script that might do something just like you're asking. It would be really simple to allow the script to modify item properties at a random chance, on the default creature spawn script, to set droppable to some of their items. And for bosses (anything that far exceeds your own level, aka IMPOSSIBLE) you could just ensure all items are droppable.

    With a script, there wouldn't be the tedious task of editting the whole OC.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    What i mean by Basic Equipment is i'm thinking that at the start of the OC dropped gear would help you get started than Bosses should have a magic weapon or armor equipped but nothing too powerful but still worth something at the shop or a little better weapon than you had just so you have a better chance of getting equipped but still have to earn it.

    I can't tell you how many times in Chapter 1 i killed a Boss or opened a chest at the end of a area and was rewarded with a "Shimmering Belt" so lame.

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