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THIS!!!! ..IS!!!! ..SPARTA!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for headline, but I've played PnP for a brief moment like 22 years ago, heard about spear formation gaining bonus or something, ever since I've hoped such feature would be implemented in a DnD game, not nessesarily a permanent feature that would be valid through the whole story, but merely at some hot spots, where one could get some henchmen/hirelings/mercs to aid you in an assult/defense.

Just that it all seems so trivial at times, either you have bows or the sword + shield or 2h sword, something alternative would be so nice.


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    There really isn't an epic enough battle in the game for that. I mean from a scale perspective.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    elminster said:

    There really isn't an epic enough battle in the game for that. I mean from a scale perspective.

    But it could easily be implemented?

  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Well if Dorn has his aura then static aoe benefits like a spear formation giving some kind of benefit could theoretically be included. But I'm not a programmer so who the heck knows :p
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    I mean, there are huuuge areas where lots of mobs easily could be implemented, Gnoll Stronghold, Bandit Camp, Naskel Mines, under Candle Keep and lots of areas in Baldur's Gate.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    This would fit better for Faerûn: Total War than Baldur's Gate.

    Adventuring parties are not meant for wiping out full-scale armies (despite this happening once or twice in the game). The alteration to the game engine would be more work than it's worth in the end and yield only a tiny mechanical benefit and no graphical change.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Drugar said:

    This would fit better for Faerûn: Total War than Baldur's Gate.

    Adventuring parties are not meant for wiping out full-scale armies (despite this happening once or twice in the game). The alteration to the game engine would be more work than it's worth in the end and yield only a tiny mechanical benefit and no graphical change.

    I'm sure it wouldn't take much to implement and not be any big deal, specially watching mages facerolling hordes of mobs by themselves, most can even solo at later times, so why not let fighters shine a little
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