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How clean is the early access/preorder version?

So I'm getting a really strong impression, given that there are apparently PWs up and operational, that the currently running NWN:EE testing version seems... almost stable.

Is it a mess to use? Like do I need to be a wizard to grab it, build with it, and see what default resources are currently included?


  • MadHatterMadHatter Member Posts: 145
    Nope. For most intents and purposes it's exactly the same and classic NWN. EE so far has been upgrading the underlying technology of the engine. There is some new scripting functionality but from a building perspective most everything is the same.

    Think of EE as rewinding to when Bioware stopped making patches for NWN and Beamdog continued instead.

    The reason you see PWs up and running is because EE is backwards compatible with custom content and mods from classic NWN.
  • omedon666omedon666 Member Posts: 48
    Cool maybe I'll grab it then. I'm curious what's included that I don't recall being "standard" back in the day.

  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    It's still got some rough edges. They recently switched to openal, and a lot of people are experiencing sound distortions, I've got sounds coming out of the wrong speakers, and had to use openal soft just to get missing sounds to play. I can deal with the sounds hitting the wrong speakers, but it is kinda weird, a lot of sounds only play through the center and rear speakers and not the front left/right. Whirlwind attack also seems to be causing some weirdness, where you'll get in a stuck state and not be able to attack or use abilities.

    At least the game already has the #1 thing I wanted, and that's 4k support with UI scaling.

    I'm not unhappy with it, but if you're going to buy and go for head start, keep in mind it's a product that's pretty much alpha and in flux.
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