Custom tileset compatibility

PW owners might like to take advantage of EE-compatible versions of the following popular tilesets:
Aztec Interior
RL Gothic Interior
Modern Office Interior
Normally, custom tilesets work perfectly in EE. However, a few of the above-mentioned tiles contained scribble, which was miraculously ignored by 1.69 but crashed EE. The corrected versions work on both platforms.
These are the only problems I'm aware of (I have checked the rest of Chandigar's work, with his permission). It looks like the issue had something to do with 3ds max plugin export of lighting animations for interiors back in the day. If anyone else experiences similar crashes, I can probably help.
Aztec Interior
RL Gothic Interior
Modern Office Interior
Normally, custom tilesets work perfectly in EE. However, a few of the above-mentioned tiles contained scribble, which was miraculously ignored by 1.69 but crashed EE. The corrected versions work on both platforms.
These are the only problems I'm aware of (I have checked the rest of Chandigar's work, with his permission). It looks like the issue had something to do with 3ds max plugin export of lighting animations for interiors back in the day. If anyone else experiences similar crashes, I can probably help.
Any suggestion how to check?
EDIT the bad tiles had compiler errors (or occasionally warnings) owing to corrupt animation names in the newanim and doneanim directives. Your problem might be different. There is a technical discussion here in which I include a moneo script which creates an instance of every tile. In the worst case I guess you could binary chop that area until you find the bad tile(s).
I have a fix, which I'll upload to the vault if the original authors have no objection.
In this case, I had to resort to a binary chop to find an instance of the bad tiles - thank goodness for Moneo.
(I should emphasize that, in the scheme of things, these are very minor compatibility issues, which we have the means to fix easily, so this has no bearing on any wider discussion of EE compatibility).
(*which I love, so I didn't mean it that way. I didn't know anyone else made use of the Aztec buildings, I could use more of that in my life.
No blame, if course. You could work with the tiles in gmax forever without seeing these bugs, because they're only visible in a text editor.
If other builders have issues with derived tilesets, those pages list the tiles that were corrected.
I haven't done thorough testing, but it seems to work. Interested to hear if you come up with any issues.
I was able to re-test every tile in my moneo-generated module. Seems fine to me.