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Community Patch 1.72 for NWN:Enhanced Edition



  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    @Shadooow Do you mean AoE as in Area of Effect or AoO as in Attack of Opportunity? Is there still NWNCX support for the NWN Classic 1.69 Community Patch? Could the bug be fixed for that version of the game, at least? If so, I will gladly reinstall my copy of NWN Classic and play it until Beamdog has fixed this specific bug in NWN:EE. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    @Prince_Raymond ah sorry typo, meant AoO like Attack of Opportunity, not AoE (Area of Effect)

    I still develop the nwnx_patch and nwncx_patch for 1.69 but I am mostly concentrating on EE version now. I am quite sure this can be fixed in any of the version though. It just needs a reliable repro. If someone would be able to figure out when exactly is this happening, I might be able to fix it. The AoO is just a speculation from me and it is very difficult to test.

    Also this bug can happen only on low level under very specific circumstances, I think you are overreacting with going back to 1.69 ;) or are you experiencing this frequently?
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2019
    @Shadooow The fact that this bug is reproduced in every fight where my character is spending all of his attacks per round, especially the ones involving multiple enemies, is what makes it so annoying. It practically reproduces itself on a consistent basis, regardless whether or not Flurry of Blows is activated. The -5 unarmed attack penalty is more noticeable after an AoO because it is done at the character's full normal attack bonus, as is Great Cleave since it was changed in 1.69. The funny thing about that is Cleave/Great Cleave attacks used to be done at the same attack bonus of the attack that dropped its previous target, exactly as it was written in the 3rd Edition rules. To the best of my knowledge, the last stable branch that had the Combat UI working as it should was Critical Rebuild 1.67. Critical Rebuild 1.68 broke the way feats and attack bonuses behave in combat, and Critical Rebuild 1.69 did not revert them back to 1.67 standards which in my humble opinion is what should have happened. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2019
    @Shadooow I just wanted to let you know that I have successfully reproduced the bug with a brand new character starting a new game in Chapter 1 of the Wailing Death campaign. His starting gear is a Woodsman's Outfit and Boots of Haste. After leveling him to 10 using the "DebugMode 1" command, I made my way to the Docks District of Neverwinter. During a fight with one cluster of enemies, I managed to score 2 Attacks of Opportunity and two back-to-back Great Cleaves. The first AoO seemed to reset the unarmed attack progression, as it was done at the full normal attack bonus. The next 2 attacks were also done at the full attack bonus of +11/+11 instead of the normal progression of +11/+8. The attack after the second GC (which was done at +11 attack bonus) was done at -4 attack bonus, and ironically it was a natural 20. We're talking about a 15 digit drop between two consecutive attacks from +11 to -4. Had the attack bonus remained positive, it most likely would have been a confirmed critical hit. The attack after that was done at -9 attack bonus, a 20 digit drop. Also ironically, that attack was a natural 1. This sudden, steep drop in my character's attack bonus after the second GC reaffirms my belief that this bug correlates to the change that was made to the feat in 1.69. Instead of the attack being done at a character's full attack bonus, Great Cleave should be done at the attack bonus of the attack that dropped its previous target as it was in 1.67. I also noticed that my character's extra attack granted by Haste is applied a -5 attack penalty every round Flurry of Blows is activated. Coupled with the -2 penalty from FoB totals a penalty of -7. That attack, again as it was in 1.67, should be done at a character's full normal attack bonus. Of course all these special attacks are applicable to the -2 penalty from Flurry of Blows, but no other penalties except for a monk's -3 iterative unarmed attack penalty should apply. After the fight was over, I expanded the chat window and scrolled to the block of text containing the combat data of the AoO's and attacks following the Great Cleaves. Hope this helps to pinpoint the bug. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.v1kfz5i57nq9.png

    TL;DR As of the current Development and Stable Branches, Attacks of Opportunity seem to reset a character's attack bonus progression. Cleave and Great Cleave are FUBAR for monks. Haste works as it should until Flurry of Blows is activated, then it's FUBAR for monks. It is imperative that these feats and special attacks should, I repeat should, be reverted to Critical Rebuild 1.67 standards.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Nice, thank you for this new release.

    Any changes vs the previously shared 1.72 beta 5 ?
    Is it safe to replace existing installation & continue my currently ongoing OC ?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Aranthys wrote: »
    Nice, thank you for this new release.

    Any changes vs the previously shared 1.72 beta 5 ?
    Is it safe to replace existing installation & continue my currently ongoing OC ?

    changes are posted on previous page, scroll down, or you can read them in the txt file inside the package

    yes, it is perfectly safe
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Shadooow wrote: »
    changes are posted on previous page, scroll down, or you can read them in the txt file inside the package
    As usual, users should RTFM :bawling:

    Thank you :)
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    @Shadoow - Quick question, are there many description changes between v1.71 and v1.72 that need to be translated ? Any way I could help somehow (French version of the translations)

    Is there a list of changes from 1.71 to 1.72 that need local adaptations ?
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2019
    @Shadooow Here is a screenshot of a level 1 monk after fighting 3 enemies with FoB activated, Cleave, and a Haste item equipped. I purposefully fudged his stats to ensure both his survival and victory when encountering multiple enemies.700kptkkktj4.png

    As you can see, the first 2 attacks of the round are calculated normally at +5. The third attack, which triggers Cleave, is applied a -5 penalty that results in a +0 attack bonus when it should also be +5. The fourth and final attack, granted by Haste, is applied a -10 penalty for an attack bonus (if you call it that) of -5 when it should also be +5. All four attacks should share the same positive attack bonus, yet the last two are nullified at best. These results are consistently reproduced. Every. Single. Round. Just a little food for thought: If this bug is clearly evident in both the current Development and Stable branches of NWN:EE for the PC, then it has probably been ported to the mobile version as well. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • VictorixxxVictorixxx Member Posts: 20
    Hi, guys! I want to install the Community Patch 1.72 of the latest version for the EE edition on the Android version of the game! This can be done? Will they work together without a game performance problem?

    The fact is that in EE android, Beamdog changed the folder structure. There are two main folders "date" and "user". I tried to install the Community Patch by default, but did not see the changes. Does this mean that you need to change the folder structure of the Community Patch ?

    Folder structure Community Patch 1.72 by default:
    = Date\ bin, date \(nwm, txpk), ovr
    = User\ hack
    Perhaps the necessary folder structure:
    = Date\ nvm, txpk, ovr
    = User\ hack

    Do you see the difference? I subtracted the bin folder from the hierarchy along with the DebugServer.exe file, since Android does not support this file format. This will not affect the work of the patch?

    I also moved two folders "nvm" and "thpk" from "date", because according to my ideas, the game will be able to find them. It is right?

    Folder "user" left unchanged, except for myself, I deleted dialog.tlk because I use the crack. But I think there are no critical changes compared to the original file. I understood correctly?

    What say, friends? Are my actions correct? So the patch will work with the Android version of the game?
  • NeboryaNeborya Member Posts: 7
    Shadooow wrote: »
    After seeing requests for things that are fixed for years in community patch and after finding a way how to make it work the same way it used to work on 1.69 I prepared a new version madeto work with NWN:EE.
    Does it mean that nwnx_patch features for NWN (from here now also work in NWN:EE?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    @Neborya read here

    @Victorixxx I am fairly certain that you are not the first installing community patch under mac. It needs to work and if you install it correctly you should see a sticker 1.72 in main menu. If you don't see it, you didn't installed it correctly. I don't have MacOS so I can't know for sure but my BeamDog install has binary of Mac and has all folders exactly the same as described in community patch readme. So again, you need to copy folder /ovr into "installpath/ovr" and folder /data into "installpath/data" that is all.
  • Bogdanov89Bogdanov89 Member Posts: 8
    Hey this is awesome, thank you Shadoow :)
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    Hello @Shadooow. After downloading and installing the latest version of Community Patch for NWN 1.69, I noticed there were some added class.2da's that I have never seen before. Among them were the Kensei.2da family. Is this a custom class that was translated from the official D&D 3rd Edition source material? What exactly does it do? Is it possible to implement this class in NWN:EE? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Kensei is basically a first name for weapon master that is it. There is no more hidden class than Shou Disciple and Eye of the Gruumsh.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2019
    Shadooow wrote: »
    Kensei is basically a first name for weapon master that is it. There is no more hidden class than Shou Disciple and Eye of the Gruumsh.

    I had a feeling that's what it was, but I wasn't exactly sure.

    Kensei (honorary title) - Wikipedia
    Kensei (Japanese: 剣聖, sometimes rendered in English as Kensai, Ken Sai, Kensei, or Kenshei) is a Japanese honorary title given to a warrior of legendary skill in swordsmanship. The literal translation of kensei is "sword saint". ... This is not to be confused with the word kenshi (剣士), meaning swordsman.

    In D&D 3rd Edition, the weapon doesn't necessarily have to be a sword. A Kensei can be a master of whatever melee weapon that is his/her weapon of choice, including Unarmed Strike. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    edited September 2019
    @Shadooow This is about the android version. If you or anybody else could help clarify some things it would be great. I installed everything as shown in the readme, but the file structure of Android goes like this: com.beamdog.nwnandroid->files->data,pkg,user (seperate folders). In the structure of the community install there is a ovr folder which doesn't exist under files. I assume it needs to go there as you showed and will NWN:EE for android recognize it? Also there is a dialog.tlk file in the user folder of the community patch. I assume also that this needs to go into the user folder of the game. Does this override the dialog.tlk in the data folder of the game? I also heard mention of a (mus) folder that would replace the main menu music with vanilla music. There was no (mus) folder in the patch. And lastly, I believe I read in the readme that v1.69 is also required? Is this correct? Thank you all and happy gaming!
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    Can anybody modify the original campaigns to allow me to use the CP 1.72?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Allanon81 wrote: »
    Can anybody modify the original campaigns to allow me to use the CP 1.72?

    That is not needed. CPP is installed into everything automatically, the only thing is that it has lowest priority on a purpose to avoid conflicts which means that in some custom modules some of the CPP features/fixes won't work properly. But that is not a case of original campaigns.
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    @Shadooow So, I just put all files in there respective places and add the hak to userpatch.ini and it will work?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Allanon81 wrote: »
    @Shadooow So, I just put all files in there respective places and add the hak to userpatch.ini and it will work?

    no need to use hak via userpatch.ini, but yes
  • R_TEAMR_TEAM Member Posts: 35
    how is the nwncx part to install ?
    and will a part for windows nwnserver available ?
    Thanks for your work anyway ;)
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2020
    @Shadooow Salutations. It seems the latest update for both the Development and Retail branches of NWN:EE have disabled Community Patch 1.72. I tried copying all the necessary files to their respective directories post-update with no success. Could you please confirm this if/when you have the time? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    @Shadooow Salutations. It seems the latest update for both the Development and Retail branches of NWN:EE have disabled Community Patch 1.72. I tried copying all the necessary files to their respective directories post-update with no success. Could you please confirm this if/when you have the time? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    Yes, at least updating the game via Beamdog client will purge Community Patch and you need to reinstall it.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2020
    R_TEAM wrote: »
    how is the nwncx part to install ?
    and will a part for windows nwnserver available ?
    Thanks for your work anyway ;)

    Hi there is no nwncx for Enhanced Edition anymore. So yeah, we won't get custom spellbooks anymore in new nwn...

    I do have nwnx for server but it is only working for previous patch anyway and I am not sure when I will be able to update it.
  • NeboryaNeborya Member Posts: 7
    Shadooow wrote: »
    Hi there is no nwncx for Enhanced Edition anymore. So yeah, we won't get custom spellbooks anymore in new nwn...
    Looks like Beamdog has added them:
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Neborya wrote: »
    Shadooow wrote: »
    Hi there is no nwncx for Enhanced Edition anymore. So yeah, we won't get custom spellbooks anymore in new nwn...
    Looks like Beamdog has added them:

    This is really great unfortunately it allows only a frangment of the options my plugin for 1.69 offers. Still great and unexpected progress here.
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Yeah, I was amazed when I saw that in the changelog !
    Hopefully, we will be able to properly set custom spellbooks for classes such as Assassin
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    Shadooow wrote: »
    @Shadooow Salutations. It seems the latest update for both the Development and Retail branches of NWN:EE have disabled Community Patch 1.72. I tried copying all the necessary files to their respective directories post-update with no success. Could you please confirm this if/when you have the time? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    Yes, at least updating the game via Beamdog client will purge Community Patch and you need to reinstall it.

    As I stated in my last post, I tried to reinstall it post-update with no success. I don't know what I may have done differently from the previous installations, but it seems the current versions of the Development and Retail branches of NWN:EE have disabled all functionality of Community Patch 1.72. I will try to reinstall it the next time I'm at my PC. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • CaidenTheStoicCaidenTheStoic Member Posts: 20
    Hello, Shadow!

    Thank you for all of your work.
    I'm looking to get this patch into my PW module.
    I'm not 100% sure how to install things and get it working smoothly.

    Things like load order, 2da merging, etc.

    Do you have an installation guide for builders somewhere I can look at?

    Thanks ahead of time.
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