[REQ] Early Glabrezu spawn tweak?
Qwinn made a tweak, which caused Greater Glabrezu to spawn in the Undersigil *before* you leave Sigil, but only for the vanilla PS:T. Could we please have an update of the mod for PST:EE?
I think the drops from Greater Glabrezu are pretty much useless by the time you get them, so this tweak seems very useful.
BTW, another user already requested this in the feature requests.
Qwinn made a tweak, which caused Greater Glabrezu to spawn in the Undersigil *before* you leave Sigil, but only for the vanilla PS:T. Could we please have an update of the mod for PST:EE?
I think the drops from Greater Glabrezu are pretty much useless by the time you get them, so this tweak seems very useful.
BTW, another user already requested this in the feature requests.