How are you hosting NWN:EE PWs right now among 100% windows players and clients (no linux or mac)?

So, as I've stated in other topics, I'm assuming multiplayer is sufficiently busted as to not bother even hosting a small multiplayer game in the current state of the software beamdog is providing in headstart...
But I'm also seeing PWs advertised, so maybe it's worth asking:
Are you on your own external architecture or did we miss something?
External server hosting is not working for any of us, "new internet/LAN game" to "join internet/LAN game" aren't working for any of us. Direct connect is also not working... for anyone in our circle of recent owners of the game.
Is there another path aside from the stuff in the game or are we just cursed over here? We've had multiple pairs of players just completely cut off from eachother. We've messed with routers, we've been in voice comms confirming details, nothing. We'd assumed that "headstart is headstart," and were just waiting for a post that multiplayer was "officially supported", but is there just some other element that we're not seeing?
But I'm also seeing PWs advertised, so maybe it's worth asking:
Are you on your own external architecture or did we miss something?
External server hosting is not working for any of us, "new internet/LAN game" to "join internet/LAN game" aren't working for any of us. Direct connect is also not working... for anyone in our circle of recent owners of the game.
Is there another path aside from the stuff in the game or are we just cursed over here? We've had multiple pairs of players just completely cut off from eachother. We've messed with routers, we've been in voice comms confirming details, nothing. We'd assumed that "headstart is headstart," and were just waiting for a post that multiplayer was "officially supported", but is there just some other element that we're not seeing?
I spun up a Windows 10 VM in Azure, poked a hole in the NSG for UDP port 5121, installed the standalone NWServer that niv has stickied at the top of this subforum (or I'd imagine the full install version should work just the same), and then launched NWServer with my module. There's been about a dozen people or so that have connected to the server since I posted about it being available on December 21, so I can confirm the normal non-hacked way of hosting a server/game in EE does work...
Can we dumb it down a bit maybe? Straight up: is multiplayer working "out of the box?" Like at all?
Ports have always needed to be opened for the server - not for players, but to host a server - yes:
If you are trying to play through a firewall of some sort, here is some information for you to help you get connected. Neverwinter Nights uses UDP, not TCP for its connections. If you think that your firewall is preventing you from connecting to the game servers, please make sure that the following ports are open:
* Ports 5120 through 5300
* Port 6500
* Port 27900
* Port 28900
In the nwnplayer.ini (in the documents folder/Neverwinter Nights folder):
Game Port=5121
GameSpy Enabled=1
Make sure these are set - you will not post on GameSpy unless set to do so.
I am running Realms of Annakolia on Windows 10 - out of the box with Beamdogs NWN EE. Use of haks, tlk, portraits and custom music add an extra layer of difficulty.
I have these instructions on my forum - perhaps you will find them helpful:
Beamdog NEN EE - you MUST start the game once and load into it - you can then leave (make sure you start from the Beamdog client that first time or you will not get your multiplayer key)
Now - once you have been into a module (single player will do) and are now out - if you open your documents folder you will see a newly made Neverwinter Nights folder. Open that Neverwinter Nights folder and you will find the locations for the haks, the tlk, music bmu files, and portraits picture files.
Do NOT put a folder full of haks (or whatever the material is) INTO THE hak folder - all files must be in the hak foler, not in a folder named hak or whatever under the hak folder. The same goes for the tlk, portraits and music folders - no sub folders.
1) Do not put a folder into the hak folder - remove the haks and place them in the Hak folder.
2) Tlk files all must be removed from where ever they are and place in the tlk folder.
3) music must be removed from any folder and placed in the music folder (BMU files - not haks).
4) Place portraits in the portraits folder - not haks - these are picture files.
Haks needed for Realms of Annakolia:
Get Both Annakolia and CEP 2.4 haks here
Malishara - Yesterday at 3:24 PM
1) Ensure that your account is properly provisioned for one of the two versions of the game
2) While logged in to the website, go to the game head-start pages available under the 'Games' drop-down at the top of the website:
Standard Edition - https://www.beamdog....d-start-english
Beamdog - Developer and Publisher of Enhanced Edition Games
Developer and Publisher of Enhanced Edition Games
Unless Beamdog has fixed the install you will need to download and install this too:
otherwise, you will get an error
download and install:
There are some differences - these are rather modern changes and although perhaps confusing at first - once understanding comes (such as the file structure created in Documents folder) once one understands were thing go - it is no problem.
Stability is a little wobbly as changes are made - That is to be expected in a beta. I was on the bug squishing team for 1.69 and I can tell you the developers had a mighty job in squishing all the bugs - not sure they ever did completely, but they got most of them and all the big ones.
So yes, it works just fine out of the box - NWN EE is a MAJOR advancement and improvement over NWN 1.69. The ability to use multi-core processors, and modern OS - providing a GameSpy like connection to servers from multiple platforms, increased TMI buffers and script stack, and better lighting and 3d effect - and the list goes on - it is worth it.
In the past many would hold back on adopting updates of CEP and or NWN - it being safer to wait for someone elses world to break and wait for a fix them their own. There really is no need with NWN EE - so If you need assistance - feel free to ask.
Perhaps you could put a note in the OP listing how you fixed the issue so anyone casually browsing the thread doesnt assume NWN:EE's multiplayer is a broken mess?
- Jamie