NWN:EE Suggestions Video

Hi all,
I have published some of my initial thoughts about Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition onto Youtube and would appreciate if people could pick up and run with these basic premises if they agree with them. I hope you enjoy the video, when I get home from work I will also add a text based bullet point outline of what I discussed here.
Next video will have more things I think will be required in NWN:EE.
Best Regards,
I have published some of my initial thoughts about Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition onto Youtube and would appreciate if people could pick up and run with these basic premises if they agree with them. I hope you enjoy the video, when I get home from work I will also add a text based bullet point outline of what I discussed here.
Next video will have more things I think will be required in NWN:EE.

Best Regards,
unrelated note: You can totally pull off a new voiceset bro.
Keep game faithful to role play, D&D
Update character appearance
Combat animations and stuff which is one thing that really annoyed me about nwn2. After combat arms just used to just drop like robots instantly back to default. I longed for nwn1 type smoothness and if can make that area better all the better
On the topic of updated visuals for the player models, if they did only that I would be honestly pretty unhappy. If they only did heads, I feel it'd clash with the rest of the model too much. If they did the whole player model, then it might clash with other creatures and objects in the game, and then I'd want them to be brought up to par, especially if they did a good job on the player models. Imagine a HD version of the Balor or the Iron Golem? If they did that, though, I hope they'd keep them in the NWN designs rather than updating to the actual 3e or 3.5e versions. NWN2's balor isn't nearly as cool as NWN's.
I do agree, though, that the proportions for the different races are a bit wonky, and feel they should be a little less extreme, but still reminiscent, of what they are now - as in, shrink the gnome's forearms, but keep them bigger; make the elves bigger, but still thinner and shorter than humans. That kind of thing. Half-Orcs actually look fine to me, but perhaps their legs could be bigger.
I honestly have always loved NWN's default player combat animations because they felt like generic attacks that any warrior could make regardless of skill. Maybe this is just because I absolutely despised the NWN2 animations (particularly the jumpy slash and spin slash the girls have) and the fact that NWN2 got rid of blocking with your shield or weapon as dodging animations, I dunno. However, I totally agree that more combat styles would be a great addition. The ones displayed in your video bring variation and life to a character, but something about them feels off in quality, and if they could make animations that "fit" better that'd be very cool.
Also, some of the creature's animations get across what they want to well, but some could use a touch up - One of the balor's animations has him smacking you with the side of his blade or axe, for instance, and should be updated to be more of a slashing motion.