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NWVault must be modernized and BD must add support within the game to download hackse mods with more

today I made a jump in NWValut, I wanted to look for something to add in NWN: EE to use but, navigation is always a drama for me, there is no way to save in a list the projects that you want to re-download every time , sometimes preview images are non-existent of the projects, many small things that make a little complicated navigation.

the NWValut is actually what remains of the true NWValut of IGN that had closed its doors and canceled so many projects, but thanks to a group of enthusiasts, the Evaluation got to work but ... since then it has not been much aesthetically updated nor rendered more simple in navigation.

What I ask is that BD and NWValut created a collaboration to improve the site, in order to modernize it and make it more modern and easy to use, maybe creating a way within the game to connect from NWValut and download new content ... a bit like Bethesda is doing now with her games, she has created a kind of Evaluation within the game in order to directly download the contents and be able to use them or play them immediately ... BD should do something similar to facilitate the installation of Hack and mods and the NWValut guys should update the site to facilitate navigation on the site for new users.


  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    @TarotRedhand I do not say that the site is horrible and the search for modd and tiring, I just say that according to me "lack" different unzionality to make sure to save in a Swish list for example the projects you want to follow, or a button to install the most advanced version of the modd you want to install ... are many little things that according to me make the difference, on the graphic ... and another question that does not center here we talk only about the functionality necessary "to improve the navigation "that's all...
  • AnonySimonAnonySimon Member Posts: 28
    I would like to see NWN:EE get intouch with Nexus and make it the official website to store mods (instead of trying to revive, update, and maintain NW Vault).
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    Someone could easily make a skin for the NWVault in it's current state. If it is purely a UI (look, feel) issue, then this would be the best option.

    I also think that creating a link/portal that only serves up NWN1 content would be ideal. The mixture of the three games never made sense to me. I get that it's a vault for all 3 of these games, but honestly no player goes there and searches to find a mixture of the game he is wanting to find content for mixed in with two he doesn't.

    Also, dark theme is just better, so I can at least agree that the NWVault in a purely design sense is a bit lackluster.

    That being said, the people whom run the vault are great, and I hope they don't take this criticism too harshly, they are doing a fantastic job for a community run endeavour. A little labour of love for our beloved DND community.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316

    I would like to see NWN:EE get intouch with Nexus and make it the official website to store mods (instead of trying to revive, update, and maintain NW Vault).

    Remember, the existing NWN community has laboured long and hard over many years to create an unparalleled treasury of fan-made content at Very few modders enjoy the freedom of expression that we do. Above all, it's a site that we, the community, control.

    We have a strong culture of ethical open content sharing (with exceptions) which the Nexus is vehemently opposed to (as some of us discovered during the short-lived Dragon Age modding era). There is no way that we are going to surrender control of our work to that authoritarian elite (or any other).

    Commercial organisations have repeatedly let us down. I don't blame them for that - business can only thrive if it's profitable - but we've learned the hard way to manage our own affairs.

    Of course, there's always room for improvement to the vault, and that's the way to go IMO.
  • casadechrissocasadechrisso Member Posts: 12

    I would like to see NWN:EE get intouch with Nexus and make it the official website to store mods (instead of trying to revive, update, and maintain NW Vault).

    So I do not want this to seem like I am in anyway Anti-Nexus. Dark0ne is an old acquaintance from my Morrowind modding days and I have a File of the Month for Skyrim that I am exceedingly proud of.


    The Nexus has it's own rules and regulations. It's own admin team and it's own problems with corruption.

    Much of the freedom NWN has enjoyed could easily be crushed by the Nexus structure and adjudication of appropriate content falls on the shoulders of some very sketchy global mods.

    By making the move to the Nexus you can kiss 1/3rd of the single player mods goodbye for violating the erratically enforced Nexus terms of service. And the ability to repeal such banned content is practically non-existent because the Nexus is simply too big to handle the amount of data that passes through each day. Let alone appeals.

    Moving NWN modding to the Nexus is a bad idea. The convenience in no way makes up for the loss of freedom and autonomy.
    Triggered. Quite honestly, this was the point when I dropped the ball on NWN(2) and went on with my life -. the demise of the original NWVault, the discussion where to go, then DarkOne chimed in, offered his help in recreating it on the Nexus, actually created the site... and... nobody cared because of, yeah, what exactly? That reasoning? Some rumors about "corruption"? Instead, and I'm sorry to say this, the community split even further and some people just had to build their own thing again that is, frankly, hidden from the public and unusable for every casual player. My goal back then (I was quite active in the discussion) has always been getting new players onboard, making things as easy as possible for everyone, see that there's no further splitting of the community. Sorry, I'm still quite angry and upset about it. Anyway, the Nexus sites for NWN1/2 already exist, they've been there for a few years. Every PC player who has ever applied a mod to a game knows the Nexus, knows exactly how to use it, it's the main hub for everything modding, and if you care about keeping the game actually alive instead of petty politics and some disagreements within the "elite" you should've made that jump long ago.
    I'm not exactly sure where the Nexus censors content, the only thing I can think of is highly pornographic stuff or things obviously made(acquired by shady means. I can think of no NWN mod that wouldn't make it to the Nexus site.
    Anyway, I uploaded my simple little mod there, it was on the old vault, never made it to the new one simply because that one came too late and I didn't care anymore. Okay, rant over. :P
  • MecheonMecheon Member Posts: 12
    Plus, let's be honest.

    We don't need to feed [b]another[/b] modding community to the behemoth that is the Nexus. It has enough beneath it with its dominance over the Bethesda stuff after the Morrowind vault collapsed alongside the original NWN vault

    (I just use it as an image dump for my weirder projects, mind. And to see if I can somehow trick it to giving me the hot files for the month)
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    @casadechrisso - the plain fact is that all the NWN1/2 stuff is on neverwintervault, and all the players and modders know it. The Nexus sites never attracted more than a handful of mods, and for very good reason.

    For NWN, the Nexus is an epic fail, because we don't have the culture of obeying the boss and his cronies.

    Sorry, but it's time to stop flogging that dead horse.
  • casadechrissocasadechrisso Member Posts: 12
    I'm not sure what the end goal for you should be, but from my perspective it was always accessability. From a PW point of view, I remember everyone constantly whining about a lack of new players, but necessary changes were rejected for various "political" reasons. I understand that you value your creative freedom, but for what exactly is it good if noone but the die-hard community ever sees it?
    This whole vault thing reminds me of discussions about the autodownloader in NWN2 we had on our server. Dammendrech was really a wonderful piece of art, however always lacked the playerbase because it was almost inaccessible for new players. Before the autodownloader it used a homebrew system to download haks and PWCs that kinda worked but was buggy and unintuitive as hell. But our admin flatout refused to switch over to the player-friendly autodownloader with various reasons, like "our system is better", "it'll keep the riff-raff out" (on a server with 10 active players on a good day) and and and...
    Finally, maybe a year or more later than everyone else we finally switched to the autodownloader as a last hope, way too late but we got a handful... and then Gamespy happened and it was basically over.
    Anyway, this whole Vault thing reminds me of it, and seeing the same discussion again as in 2014 makes me rapidly loose hope in the whole thing. That said, maybe the NWN1 community didn't have it as bad as NWN2s with losing it's playerbase and can afford doing it's own thing, but for NWN2 it was surely the last nail in the coffin.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Stats from
    Hosting 243,918 files for 495 games from 76,100 authors serving 13,899,408 members with 2,426,508,456 downloads to date

    This is 244k files across all games. Mods that are packaged as multiple files figure in multiple times. has ~21900 projects uploaded already. This includes only projects created after 2014, and projects hand picked from the IGN vault. The old IGN vault backup (also hosted at FTP) has some 35000-40000 projects. There's likely a 10k-15k duplication there, but that still puts us at 40k projects, conservative figure. If all projects were packaged as a single file, that'd put the current NWN content at 20% of all nexus content, second only to Skyrim at 55k files. In reality, there's at least 5x the projects in NWN than Skyrim.

    Nexus just doesn't work well with so much stuff, and I'm not sure if they'd even want to host it all.
  • casadechrissocasadechrisso Member Posts: 12
    Proleric said:

    @casadechrisso - the plain fact is that all the NWN1/2 stuff is on neverwintervault, and all the players and modders know it. The Nexus sites never attracted more than a handful of mods, and for very good reason.

    For NWN, the Nexus is an epic fail, because we don't have the culture of obeying the boss and his cronies.

    Sorry, but it's time to stop flogging that dead horse.

    Proleric - That might be the case right now, but I'd rephrase it to "what remains of the playerbase". Because at least NWN2 lost most of it during the time of the first discussion, which by the way was a great chance because at the same time the game popped up again in various sales and a lot of people came in new.
    Of course there will always be the die-hards from the old days who know exactly where to go, but they're too few. I completely dropped all my building efforts at that time because I didn't know who to make it for anymore - the few dozen active people didn't try out new stuff anymore, hung around on their old same home PWs for years not willing to go througf the effort of trying out something new anymore, and new players didn't come in for various reasons (and I think this topics one of them).
    Now it looks to me like there's one more chance to get new people in and do it right when NWN:EE comes out, and I really hope there will. I don't say Nexus or nothing, although I strongly believe it would've been the right step in the first place, but then at least the Vault needs a massive overhaul.
  • casadechrissocasadechrisso Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2018
    Oh, hello Sherincall. Throwing you a like just for popping up in here. :)

    Edit: As I said, DarkOne offered it and the sites for NWN already exist, so there's no question they're willing to host. I'm not sure how many Skyrim or Fallout mods exist, but I'm willing to bet Skyrim at least outnumbers NWN by far, not to mention the mods are usually much larger.
    Of course it's great that the NWVault has that massive archive, the one point I'm making is getting it to the people (new, interested players without years of NWN experience). But yeah, maybe I'm beating a dead horse here.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I haven't been able to use Nexus for years. They had a terrible security breach years ago where every user's information was vulnerable. In the ensuing hubbub where they tried to fix the problem, my account got shut down, and I have no idea how to get it back. I don't think I would want to risk letting their site into my computer again even if I could get my account reactivated.

    So, the Nexus being the only place to get NWN mods would be very bad for me.
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266

    I haven't been able to use Nexus for years. They had a terrible security breach years ago where every user's information was vulnerable. In the ensuing hubbub where they tried to fix the problem, my account got shut down, and I have no idea how to get it back. I don't think I would want to risk letting their site into my computer again even if I could get my account reactivated.

    So, the Nexus being the only place to get NWN mods would be very bad for me.

    I repeat once again I do not say that NWValut sucks I just say that there is a need for a system to facilitate downloading files, as well as a way to save yourself in your favorites and various projects etc ... projects like Aielund Saga are for me hard to download ... that also guides like they are difficult to follow carefully and there are so many files that it takes too long to install everything, why are programs like Nexusmodds or SteamWorkShop used?to solve various broken maroni to go to manually insert the files etc ... I know that in the Evaluation there is a special program to install the mod's but does not update in real time the various components like Steam and Nexus, that's what I ask beyond that in a more re-visited navigation of the site, we are in 2018! imaledizione must be a little open to new generations, a modern player in 2018 what do you think about face files and files to download? the average user would get tired already, rather than the old one, that being accustomed to the "manual" and not all automatic does not cause problems, but it is the first type of user who has to worry, for video games should always be for everyone within certain limits, but one of the things that does not like me and annoys me that the long-time player as a sort of negative involuntary behavior towards the new generations ... as if on one side he said "what a beautiful NWN is coming back, will be coem I've always lived "from the other modern player of 2018 sees everything complicated, difficult obzoleto saying" But cposè is stuff? ecomplicated, the modd's are difficult to use, I do not buy a game that has nothing new "and this is the gap I'm looking at so far in this forum, even if ... to put it all the 2nd side that I just explained in some old long-time players there, a lot of old players are expecting cabies. .mile ramenti..nell OC etc ... not just an improved version for the modder's and that's it.

    but returning to the speech of NWValut, and clear that the site for me falls within the things that need to be revised, to be easier and more compliant with modern times ... as the saying goes "the old way the argo to the new" of course without too much forgetting the past.

    ... Yes to some improvements in browsing and downloading modds ...
    ... yes to being more open to new generations of players ...
    ... no to being tied to the past ...
    ... no all not asking small collaborations with BD to improve the site and download modd's and Hack's pack's.

    This is what I ask for the rest as you wish.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited January 2018

    I would like to see NWN:EE get intouch with Nexus and make it the official website to store mods (instead of trying to revive, update, and maintain NW Vault).

    So I do not want this to seem like I am in anyway Anti-Nexus. Dark0ne is an old acquaintance from my Morrowind modding days and I have a File of the Month for Skyrim that I am exceedingly proud of.


    The Nexus has it's own rules and regulations. It's own admin team and it's own problems with corruption.

    Much of the freedom NWN has enjoyed could easily be crushed by the Nexus structure and adjudication of appropriate content falls on the shoulders of some very sketchy global mods.

    By making the move to the Nexus you can kiss 1/3rd of the single player mods goodbye for violating the erratically enforced Nexus terms of service. And the ability to repeal such banned content is practically non-existent because the Nexus is simply too big to handle the amount of data that passes through each day. Let alone appeals.

    Moving NWN modding to the Nexus is a bad idea. The convenience in no way makes up for the loss of freedom and autonomy.
    Triggered. Quite honestly, this was the point when I dropped the ball on NWN(2) and went on with my life -. the demise of the original NWVault, the discussion where to go, then DarkOne chimed in, offered his help in recreating it on the Nexus, actually created the site... and... nobody cared because of, yeah, what exactly? That reasoning? Some rumors about "corruption"? Instead, and I'm sorry to say this, the community split even further and some people just had to build their own thing again that is, frankly, hidden from the public and unusable for every casual player. My goal back then (I was quite active in the discussion) has always been getting new players onboard, making things as easy as possible for everyone, see that there's no further splitting of the community. Sorry, I'm still quite angry and upset about it. Anyway, the Nexus sites for NWN1/2 already exist, they've been there for a few years. Every PC player who has ever applied a mod to a game knows the Nexus, knows exactly how to use it, it's the main hub for everything modding, and if you care about keeping the game actually alive instead of petty politics and some disagreements within the "elite" you should've made that jump long ago.

    I'm not exactly sure where the Nexus censors content, the only thing I can think of is highly pornographic stuff or things obviously made(acquired by shady means. I can think of no NWN mod that wouldn't make it to the Nexus site.
    Anyway, I uploaded my simple little mod there, it was on the old vault, never made it to the new one simply because that one came too late and I didn't care anymore. Okay, rant over. :P
    As triggered as you may be that does not change the fact that The Nexus has some issues.

    Dark0ne is a fantastic guy who I will forever be indebted to. He designed my first ever website for my modding team and even hosted it out of nothing but kindness. He has been one of the most active and positive forces for community made content and without his enabling then we would not see the huge rise and popularity of user made content that we see today. Dark0ne is good people.

    However, that does not make his admin team flawless.

    When dealing with such a huge amount of user content you have to be a little ruthless as there is simply not enough human oversight possible to cover the vast amount of content being generated. I appreciate that and in no way hold that against the Nexus. However, that does not mean I want to give them the keys to the NWN kingdom. Quite the opposite.

    As for NWN2. I appreciate your disappointment. I authored the "101 Things wrong with NWN2" and spent a year as a Community Representative for Obsidian Entertainment trying to fight tooth and claw for the needs of the general and modding community because NWN2 was so far below the needs of it's user base.

    10 hours a day. 7 days a week. For a year.

    So I get it. I really do.

    But NWN2 had far deeper issues that drove away its community than which website was hosting what files.

    To bring it back around. The Nexus is not the answer for NWN's hosting issues.

    You would be surprised to know that "Social Servers" have the dubious distinction of providing much of the early code that made persistent worlds flourish back in the noughties. Much like how porn pushes the boundaries of technology today. Never underestimate human inventiveness when it comes to sex.

    And while you may balk at the notion of adult content, kindly remember that had Game of Throne had been a NWN series of single player mods on the Nexus then it would have been taken down by The Vampire Dante for violating the Nexus terms of service and the author IP banned.

    The blanket censorship of one of our more embarrassing but highly, highly inventive parts of our modding community would diminish us as a whole. Censor them and we are all made lessor because of it.

    I am sorry the NWN2 community didn't follow your beckon call to the Nexus and you somehow feel that as a personal slight. However, The Nexus was not the answer then and it is not the answer for NWN:EE's needs either.

    - Jamie Goulding
    Post edited by voidofopinion on
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266

    I would like to see NWN:EE get intouch with Nexus and make it the official website to store mods (instead of trying to revive, update, and maintain NW Vault).

    So I do not want this to seem like I am in anyway Anti-Nexus. Dark0ne is an old acquaintance from my Morrowind modding days and I have a File of the Month for Skyrim that I am exceedingly proud of.


    The Nexus has it's own rules and regulations. It's own admin team and it's own problems with corruption.

    Much of the freedom NWN has enjoyed could easily be crushed by the Nexus structure and adjudication of appropriate content falls on the shoulders of some very sketchy global mods.

    By making the move to the Nexus you can kiss 1/3rd of the single player mods goodbye for violating the erratically enforced Nexus terms of service. And the ability to repeal such banned content is practically non-existent because the Nexus is simply too big to handle the amount of data that passes through each day. Let alone appeals.

    Moving NWN modding to the Nexus is a bad idea. The convenience in no way makes up for the loss of freedom and autonomy.
    Triggered. Quite honestly, this was the point when I dropped the ball on NWN(2) and went on with my life -. the demise of the original NWVault, the discussion where to go, then DarkOne chimed in, offered his help in recreating it on the Nexus, actually created the site... and... nobody cared because of, yeah, what exactly? That reasoning? Some rumors about "corruption"? Instead, and I'm sorry to say this, the community split even further and some people just had to build their own thing again that is, frankly, hidden from the public and unusable for every casual player. My goal back then (I was quite active in the discussion) has always been getting new players onboard, making things as easy as possible for everyone, see that there's no further splitting of the community. Sorry, I'm still quite angry and upset about it. Anyway, the Nexus sites for NWN1/2 already exist, they've been there for a few years. Every PC player who has ever applied a mod to a game knows the Nexus, knows exactly how to use it, it's the main hub for everything modding, and if you care about keeping the game actually alive instead of petty politics and some disagreements within the "elite" you should've made that jump long ago.

    I'm not exactly sure where the Nexus censors content, the only thing I can think of is highly pornographic stuff or things obviously made(acquired by shady means. I can think of no NWN mod that wouldn't make it to the Nexus site.
    Anyway, I uploaded my simple little mod there, it was on the old vault, never made it to the new one simply because that one came too late and I didn't care anymore. Okay, rant over. :P
    As triggered as you may be that does not change the fact that The Nexus has some issues.

    Dark0ne is a fantastic guy who I will forever be indebted to. He designed my first ever website for my modding team and even hosted it out of nothing but kindness. He has been one of the most active and positive forces for community made content and without his enabling then we would not see the huge rise and popularity of user made content that we see today. Dark0ne is good people.

    However, that does not make his admin team flawless.

    When dealing with such a huge amount of user content you have to be a little ruthless as there is simply not enough human oversight possible to cover the vast amount of content being generated. I appreciate that and in no way hold that against the Nexus. However, that does not mean I want to give them the keys to the NWN kingdom. Quite the opposite.

    As for NWN2. I appreciate your disappointment. I authored the "101 Things wrong with NWN2" and spent a year as a Community Representative for Obsidian Entertainment trying to fight tooth and claw for the needs of the general and modding community because NWN2 was so far below the needs of it's user base.

    10 hours a day. 7 days a week. For a year.

    So I get it. I really do.

    But NWN2 had far deeper issues that drove away its community than which website was hosting what files.

    To bring it back around. The Nexus is not the answer for NWN's hosting issues.

    You would be surprised to know that "Social Servers" have the dubious distinction of providing much of the early code that made persistent worlds flourish back in the noughties. Much like how porn pushes the boundaries of technology today. Never underestimate human inventiveness when it comes to sex.

    And while you may balk at the notion of adult content, kindly remember that had Game of Throne had been a NWN series of single player mods on the Nexus then it would have been taken down by The Vampire Dante for violating the Nexus terms of service and the author IP banned.

    The blanket censorship of one of our more embarrassing but highly, highly inventive parts of our modding community would diminish us as a whole. Censor them and we are all made lessor because of it.

    I am sorry the NWN2 community didn't follow your beckon call to the Nexus and you somehow feel that as a personal slight. However, The Nexus was not the answer then and it is not the answer for NWN:EE's needs either.

    - Jamie Goulding
    So is this only that blocks you? do you "fear" that the Nexus censors most of the work done by NWN users ?! but this is the point of the speech! in short, there is also control in checking that the contents do not ropare licenses, have scenes too strong or there are bad words and similar things, it takes control! and this is your fear, at this point it is no longer a question of modernizing the NWValut, but it is a matter of being afraid that "if there are moderators (real moderators) who run the Evaluation I am afraid that my work will be censored "why then are you proposing to do an adult filter for the NWN Multyplayer: EE?

    is not this the case for the multitude of adult content that is partially present in NWValut?

    do not think that the modd's on Nexus skirym are pink and flowers are mostly strong motlo, I can confirm it because I played skyrim and I saw several modd on you tube that were very risqué so we are not hiding behind excuses and let's go things like they are, you do not want to have a check because you do not want to censor most of the work on the site.
  • BalanorBalanor Member Posts: 176
    @HunterRayder93 Please, for the love of the grammar/spelling gods; it is NWVault
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    Balanor said:

    @HunterRayder93 Please, for the love of the grammar/spelling gods; it is NWVault

    in a nutshell I said that the real reason why you do not want a collaboration with BD, and because you are afraid of the censorship of many adult content.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited January 2018

    Balanor said:

    @HunterRayder93 Please, for the love of the grammar/spelling gods; it is NWVault

    in a nutshell I said that the real reason why you do not want a collaboration with BD, and because you are afraid of the censorship of many adult content.
    The Nexus has strict restrictions on content. They allow slutty armor and nude mods. However, there are entire communities that have sprung up based around mod authors who were banned from the nexus for adult and non-adult content.

    There are also numerous prolific modders who were banned from the (to quote Dark0ne) "Judge Dredd style of moderating" who had nothing to do with adult content. People have been IP banned from the Nexus for all sorts of stupid reasons due to blanket moderation and to say it has gained a reputation would be an understatement.

    There are scores of authors who refuse to post their work on The Nexus and thousands of high quality, non-adult content mods that will never be seen by people who exclusively use the Nexus.

    The Nexus is not the be all and end all of file hosting. The convenience comes with a great many caveats and being on the Nexus does not magically confer success.

    And at the risk of sounding harsh. People forget there are far more Nexus communities that are baron wastelands of potential like Dragon Age than there are Skyrims.

    I agree there needs to be a better solution that is more convenient to new players. However, I would much prefer to see Beamdog and NWVault cooperating than see the NWN community in the hands of The Nexus.

    - Jamie

  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    Mecheon said:

    Reminder that there's two chats going on here, once about the Vault improving (Though I'm questionable about multi-downloads, given how NWN stuff works it tends to be very... Download once and leave it there), and Nexus stuff

    I can think of no NWN mod that wouldn't make it to the Nexus site.

    I can think of many. And remeber, the Nexus banned Trainwiz of Morrowind modding fame over him criticising the appearance of someone's waifu, so 'ridiculous moderation' is still a thing

    1: Any module-specific hak pack. Nexus hates mod compilations without pure written evidence of all permissions, and given how old some of these are, those permissions are long gone
    2: Work based on taking older work and bugfixing improving, such as the classic Beholder in a Box. See the case of Arthmoor's famous incident of Gategate, wherein he blew an absolute top because someone dared make an optional addon to his work to remove a non-lore fitting thing he slapped in despite people's complaints
    3: Tileset improvements that improve on the original, such as the many, many, MANY forest tileset updates out there that utilise Yumi Chan's forest water tiles. Or city tilesets with the Alleys tiles. Once again, Arthmoor and him blowing his top over someone dare taking his Skyshards mod and adding a sound effect to it, because apparently crediting isn't good enough for the Nexus
    4: Updates from uncontactable authors. Take for example the Drylands update that incorporates stuff from the Drylands tileset (Not touched since 2002 by the original author), builds off an update done in 2003, includes a whole bunch of other stuff just redone to support the Drylands. Most of the people involved cannot be contacted. We accepted it on the Vault. Over on the Nexus? Probably grounds for it being deleted at best, banning at worst
    5: Other game ported stuff, such as Draygoth's mounts. That's been removed over in the Skyrim side of things unless its Witcher, and I know Draygoth used WC3 and WoW stuff

    Honestly, I doubt you could get the CEP or Project Q on the Nexus without some overly trigger happy moderator banning the uploader and deleting it.

    The Nexus just does not support modding the way we've done it in the NWN community. The Nexus is "ME ME ME ME ME", whereas the NWN stuff has been a community building on itself.
    And this is the point, if you do not want to collaborate with Nexus then we try to collaborate with BG and create a more modern and efficient upload system and NWalut site to facilitate downloading and searching for new content (slave in favorites, follow progect progress etc. ...) in such a way that the process becomes more simplified, a bit like it happened some time ago in the old Bioware forum for the DragonAge projects ... now mysteriously and for a while the old forum is closed ... (deleted forever? as for the rest of the other dedicated sections?).
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited January 2018
    All this talk about the nexus may well turn out to be moot anyway. Have you seen the "makeover"? In my opinion one of the worst cases of somebody fixing something that wasn't broken. The only worst case would have to be the Coka-Cola's new recipe fiasco. My experience of the nexus site is if what you want isn't for the very latest game, it's a nightmare to find anything.

    @HunterRayder93 are you by chance from the Czech Republic? It's just that you keep typing NWValut. Now in the Czech language valut means currency in English. What you should be typing is NWVault. In this context the English word vault translates to trezor in Czech.

  • casadechrissocasadechrisso Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2018
    @voidofopinion - many points you're making are absolutely true, I never said Nexus is the best alround solution and it has it's problems - however, it serves as a great starting point for everything game modding, because of it's popularity and ease of use. I don't say every other site needs to be shut down, and for highly sexual content there will remain alternatives, however I'm simply not aware of any NWN mod that was so adult it wouldn't get hosted on the Nexus anymore. There are still nudity, prostitution, sexual interaction mods on the Nexus, just the really kinky stuff.. well everyone knows where to find that. The most adult things I remember were intimate animations and A dance with Rogues, both by the way innovative and of the high quality you were talking about (I'm not against this content at all), it's just that I doubt those would be banned.
    Anyway, I'm not saying "close the vault", rely only on the Nexus. I say get everything possible also to the Nexus so new players will easily find it, then in descriptions etc. the Vault can still be advertised for additional content. And yes, the Vault really needs a makeover I think.
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266

    All this talk about the nexus may well turn out to be moot anyway. Have you seen the "makeover"? In my opinion one of the worst cases of somebody fixing something that wasn't broken. The only worst case would have to be the Coka-Cola's new recipe fiasco. My experience of the nexus site is if what you want isn't for the very latest game, it's a nightmare to find anything.

    @HunterRayder93 are you by chance from the Czech Republic? It's just that you keep typing NWValut. Now in the Czech language valut means currency in English. What you should be typing is NWVault. In this context the English word vault translates to trezor in Czech.


    but the site is called "the Neverwinter Vault" my wanted to be an abbreviation to not always write the full name ... however ok I will try to write only "Vault".
  • AnonySimonAnonySimon Member Posts: 28
    I was not aware that there were that many issues with Nexus. I have been using Nexus for the past 5 years and never had an issue. What I liked most about it is the ease of use, most notably the ability to have files downloaded and installed with the click of a single button, and a user-friendly mod-manager where mods can be sorted, activated, de-activated, or updated as needed.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248

    @voidofopinion - many points you're making are absolutely true, I never said Nexus is the best alround solution and it has it's problems - however, it serves as a great starting point for everything game modding, because of it's popularity and ease of use. I don't say every other site needs to be shut down, and for highly sexual content there will remain alternatives, however I'm simply not aware of any NWN mod that was so adult it wouldn't get hosted on the Nexus anymore. There are still nudity, prostitution, sexual interaction mods on the Nexus, just the really kinky stuff.. well everyone knows where to find that. The most adult things I remember were intimate animations and A dance with Rogues, both by the way innovative and of the high quality you were talking about (I'm not against this content at all), it's just that I doubt those would be banned.
    Anyway, I'm not saying "close the vault", rely only on the Nexus. I say get everything possible also to the Nexus so new players will easily find it, then in descriptions etc. the Vault can still be advertised for additional content. And yes, the Vault really needs a makeover I think.

    So your solution to mods being hard to find on NWVault is to further fragment the community with the introduction of a new site that:
    • Does not allow updates or use of assets without detailed express permission in a 15 yr old community.
    • Removes a large chuck of the adult modding community which has granted us many coding advances.
    • Places the health and well being of our community into the hands of a 3rd party admin team that in their own words use "A Judge Dredd Style of Moderating."
    • Fractures the modding community between the NWVault and The Nexus.
    Exactly what part of the remaining NWN modding community do you expect to utilize the Nexus?
  • casadechrissocasadechrisso Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2018
    Exactly what part of the remaining NWN modding community do you expect to utilize the Nexus?

    I do not and have never suggested that the NWVault should close and everyone should migrate. The Nexus sites for Neverwinter Nights already exist, I only propose to upload there too.
    I honestly don't care much about a few dozen modders prefering to exchange their mods in some hidden corner of the internet, but if you actually want your mods to be seen outside that group I'd at least also upload it to the site everybody looks first. Maybe NWN1 is still healthy enough and doesn't need the publicity, but I remember a lot of whining and complaining on PWs and from mod authors about no new players dropping by and checking your stuff out.
    You seem to have many personal reasons not to trust the Nexus, I know there's a lot of infighting in the modding community - like in every community, however I suggest at least using the Nexus as a second hub if anyone still cares about publicity and new players, it's called advertising. If your mod gets rejected by the Nexus staff, no harm done, it's still on the Vault or you can create NWNLoverslab or whatnot. I personally care most for PWs, both NWN1 and 2, because I've seen many great servers die that deserved much more and everyone's just hanging around on the five huge ones anymore.

    As an example - I'm not sure, but on the Vault, the number behind the files, is that the downloads? If so, Compare, say, the Icewind Dale NWN2 campaign downloads on the Vault to the downloads at the Nexus: Vault about 2600, Nexus 55.130 (11.702 unique).

    My own little hak has 300 downloads on the Vault, 9.822 on the Nexus.
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