Instanced dungeons

Every persistent world should have dungeons. These are private instances or "runs" that can be concluded by a group of players inside a limited time. Each dungeon is only available to the one group that created it by using the entrance. Thus they are called instances. It can be that the areas inside the run are randomly created or dependant on happenings on the "surface world", which is the main hub of the persistent world. Some dungeons are not accessible at all times or open up as a result of dialogs and achievements.
Dungeon runs are both exciting and profitable in terms of loot and xp. They can yield unique ways to progress as an adventurer.
Instanced dungeons also increase the effective player limit of a dedicated server and can be used as a means to reduce server lag. Several servers hosting the same module/pw can be interconnected and allow players to distribute themselvers around a whole network or server-cluster.
To allow for instanced dungeons, very few changes would need to be made to the core game. Server transition dialog simply needs to include a configuration option that allows both for seamless transitions and admission protocol security.
Dungeon runs are both exciting and profitable in terms of loot and xp. They can yield unique ways to progress as an adventurer.
Instanced dungeons also increase the effective player limit of a dedicated server and can be used as a means to reduce server lag. Several servers hosting the same module/pw can be interconnected and allow players to distribute themselvers around a whole network or server-cluster.
To allow for instanced dungeons, very few changes would need to be made to the core game. Server transition dialog simply needs to include a configuration option that allows both for seamless transitions and admission protocol security.
I don't know what PSA mean but no, not an announcement.
It's just a suggestion that doesn't seem to fit in any other thread. The main change required seem to be that servers with the flag "allow premade characters" will allow anyone to enter the dungeon just by clicking IP. And the annoying dialog window that seems to pop up when you call it as a function (-immersion). Just really simple to do i think.
About dynamic content, while this is very likely far beyond my own capabilies as a scripter, it seems liker a good idea to incorporate the "Endless Dungeons" or something similar. Just for the grind of it all
And another thing might be that a nice dialog pops up asking all party or guild members for peerrmission to enter another instance.
While the ability to actually "Instance" dungeons would be welcome, the toolset provides us with a way to create a reasonable facsimile. I had random "instanced" (in that only the player and his party could enter at any given time) dungeons that had end room boss fights and was also tied into a random quest system.
The toolset is really quite amazing. I regret that it would be near impossible to find any remnants of my old world and the extensive scripting I did for it.
Ive spent the past year working on a new project because my old PW wont open due to missing haks, custom files, and an entire retooling of PRC of which no longer exists.
A decade later and I have learned far better archival skills.
If there is any cross over... then they are probably playing the actual MMO of Neverwinter available for free on console and PC.
Or the PC and Console version of Star Trek Online.
Or Guild Wars 2.
Or The Secret World.
Or Final Fantasy IV.
Or Lord of the Rings Online.
Or the still giant World of Warcraft.
And if they just want to be assholes and kill things... They are probably playing:
League of Legends
Or Overwatch.
Or Path of Exile.
Or Diablo.
On top of that, Neverwinter Nights already supports instancing via internal function or external tools. So if you were right then we should have thousands and thousands and thousands of people running around all of our PW's being atrocious instead of the handful of people we have now.
In short.
Well designed combat areas do not preclude good roleplay. Nor will they attract "The wrong sort of people."
That is the sort of attitude that only serves to stem the current and future growth of the expanding NWN:EE player community.
If you don't want someone on your PW then don't hold back the rest of us for fear your walled garden is going to crumble to the hordes of unwashed masses... Just ban them.
- Jamie
If roleplaying was nothing more than toxicity, NOBODY would like it. Go ahead and kick everybody out while
us coopers enjoy a nice rp/h&s elsewhere
Anyway: There is a simple placeable called Server Portal and the function looks like:
void ActivatePortal(object oTarget, string sIPaddress="", string sPassword="", string sWaypointTag="", int bSeemless=FALSE)
My guess is that it works provided you can supply the function with correct ip address and password, if required. I don't currently have access to multiple servers so i can't test anything at all.
The destination server will only allow transition if module settings are obviously not at "local characters only".