How Do I Alter The NWN Data Folder Location?

I have a C drive which is a solid state and a much larger D drive for storage. Since loading documents quickly is not exactly critical, the My Documents folder is on my D drive. And because I want NWN to run quickly (especially for toolset work) I have it installed on my C drive.
...except Beamdog is apparently moving the player data to the My Documents folder (amusingly enough, I didn't even realize this until after I put mods/music/haks/etc in the Beamdog Library directory). And I cannot seem to find an option to adjust where the player data should be.
Any help?
...except Beamdog is apparently moving the player data to the My Documents folder (amusingly enough, I didn't even realize this until after I put mods/music/haks/etc in the Beamdog Library directory). And I cannot seem to find an option to adjust where the player data should be.
Any help?
"C:\path\to\nwmain.exe" -userDirectory "C:\path\to\user files"
Change the "Target:" line in your shortcuts like that, and you should get the results you want.
You might also run into issues when updating the game, without the user folder in its standard location, but I don't think updates make changes to user files. Only the install files. I guess you'll find out with the next update, heh.
If you know how to use symlinks or junctions in Windows, you can link the user folder at the original location from wherever you want, but many Windows users don't know how to do that (Google has plenty of info on it).
If you want to use the Beamdog client to launch the game, there is another option that should work, which is changing the directory aliases in the nwn.ini that point to directories inside the main user one. There is more info about that here: Hak/module/tlk/etc file locations
In practice that's not actually how it works.
Data read speed is bottlenecked by the game engine and not so much the hardware.
Large transfer of data is sped up significantly by SSD but average read speed are quite low once a game is up and running.
Overwatch has a peek read speed of 20MB/s and an average of 1MB/s.
The Sims 4 peeks at 4MB/s read and <1MB/s average.
This is well within the average read/write speed of old 7200RPM mechanical hard drive.
I don't know about NWN:EE but I highly doubt you are getting any demonstrable effect by having your save data for most games on an SSD vs a mechanical drive.
While the video focuses on 3,500 MB/s drives vs 540 MB/s the principle is the same as is the amount of data the game is using while in motion.
It's like putting a 2 month old baby in a king size bed. No matter how much they flop around they will never take advantage of all the room you have given them.
Storage technology is advancing faster than video games ability to utilize that blisteringly fast speed. Heck, most games are designed and optimized to run on a consoles 5200 rpm hard drive.
Take into account NWN is attached to a 15 year old frame and you begin to see why it does not seem to benefit from an SSD as much as say... Battlefield 1 or Fallout 4.
That's not to say that current and next generation SSD's are not absolutely game changing. They are. But it really doesn't matter if you can load data at 3,938 MB/s if the game can only read 5MB/s.
But the answer to "Should this data be on an SSD" is a bizarrely complex equation. It certainly isn't going to hurt but there are some major bottlenecks when it comes to SSD's and gaming that don't really get talked about.
I would be very interested in seeing peek/avg read rate of one of the bigger servers!