When i done pre-loading , may i use the usb flash drive copy the excution file to own PCs

Sorry , because i still failed to download the game data now , therefore i don't have idea what kind of data would be saved in disk now.
Due to i am in bz trip and only has compnay NB on hand now,
If i can copy the file to my own PCs through USB flash drive , i would like to pre-loading now , otherwise i don't want to waste my time download the file to company NB ,
Do anyone can give me a comment ?
Due to i am in bz trip and only has compnay NB on hand now,
If i can copy the file to my own PCs through USB flash drive , i would like to pre-loading now , otherwise i don't want to waste my time download the file to company NB ,
Do anyone can give me a comment ?