Overall very good, nice appearance and I like the background info on places and characters (makes some good reading till we get the actual game) And the Volo/Elminster comments ("hmm... I don't remember writing that. - Volo" gave me a smile).
Despite that their do some to be rather a lot of what appear to be errors in the "Mastering Melee and Magic book" - specifically in regards to kit descriptions.
Also I'm hoping a nice map like there were in the original Infinity engine games is still to come.
The first manual still mentions cracking open the case and CD's but the second one mentions you dont need CD's found that kinda funny but I liked them alot enjoyed the Elminster and Volo commentary
I would have appreciated an Evil Dead Necronomicon motif, complete with pages made of human skin and the text scribed in blood, but we just can't have everything we want, can we? :P
I felt a sense of deja vu. Mostly because, with the odd detail tweaked here and there, those are pretty much the old Baldur's Gate manuals, or at least they seem to be from what I remember.
One nice thing I noticed: neutral NPCs seem to be set to no longer whine, bitch and moan whenever you get a rep over 18. It will be nice to not have Jaheira complaining all the time because we don't mix our good deeds with the occasional random murder or puppy kicking.
I think they've been done very nicely, though its a shame there are some basic mistakes and misleading statements in them (e.g. suggesting helmets improve AC, when their main purpose is to prevent critical hits), could be confusing for new players, hope we get corrected versions at some point - perhaps the community here could help with proof-reading and an official thread started to report mistakes and typos?
If happen upon any corrections needed in the manual I've gone ahead and thrown a list together for errors in the manual. If you can think of any give me a shout or post them here or there.
I do like the way contents are laid out, which is the most important thing--the organization and accessibility of info is the most important aspect, and that's a win.
But I'm going to be completely honest here that I expected it to look quite a bit glossier/sleeker and more professional in appearance. I'm actually not crazy at all about the font (Forgotten Uncial?), even if it is in keeping with the overall look of the game. It's actually a bit hard to read. I'm never a fan of form over function.
Please accept this as constructive criticism, not whining. But stylistically the manual could (and deserves to) be better in appearance. In terms of meeting deadlines and setting priorities for the game's release, the manual was surely not the most pressing. And in time this is something that could easily be refurbished. Just keepin' it real.
Just click on the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition thing on your desktop or wherever. It should bring up an overhead with 'Click here to access the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition manuals' as a link.
*shamelessly promotes own thread*
I'd rather play the game than oggle the manual.
Despite that their do some to be rather a lot of what appear to be errors in the "Mastering Melee and Magic book" - specifically in regards to kit descriptions.
Also I'm hoping a nice map like there were in the original Infinity engine games is still to come.
If you mean a physical copy... I'd recommend Staples.
Glad to see so many people like the manuals! If I can ask, what is it that people were expecting more of, if anything?
For it isn't printed into a special book with a leather cover and map.
I would have appreciated an Evil Dead Necronomicon motif, complete with pages made of human skin and the text scribed in blood, but we just can't have everything we want, can we? :P
One nice thing I noticed: neutral NPCs seem to be set to no longer whine, bitch and moan whenever you get a rep over 18. It will be nice to not have Jaheira complaining all the time because we don't mix our good deeds with the occasional random murder or puppy kicking.
Or anyone else for that matter
If happen upon any corrections needed in the manual I've gone ahead and thrown a list together for errors in the manual. If you can think of any give me a shout or post them here or there.
But I'm going to be completely honest here that I expected it to look quite a bit glossier/sleeker and more professional in appearance. I'm actually not crazy at all about the font (Forgotten Uncial?), even if it is in keeping with the overall look of the game. It's actually a bit hard to read. I'm never a fan of form over function.
Please accept this as constructive criticism, not whining. But stylistically the manual could (and deserves to) be better in appearance. In terms of meeting deadlines and setting priorities for the game's release, the manual was surely not the most pressing. And in time this is something that could easily be refurbished. Just keepin' it real.