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Well met, Forum!

Heya! I wanted to say hello to all the forum members and introduce myself. I had never played Baldur's Gate before, (except for Dark Alliance 1/2 on PS/Xbox) and found a copy of both games at a thrift store! I have recently just started playing, and have familiarized myself with the mechanics of D&D 2.5E, and found to my amazement, there is an Enhanced Edition coming soon!

So, after a week or so of reading D.Simpson's guides, and messing around in Candlekeep, I found the BGT program that enables the BG:2 engine to work for BG:1, and have been playing for some days now.

I have some experience with Pen & Paper RPGs, as I had played Vampire: The Masquerade for a few months. So getting use to terminology and mechanics of such things as THAC0 and AC was a little easier. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I had always heard of Baldur's Gate, as I love RPGs, but never got into it before. I've heard it has a great story.

I have purchased the BG: EE from Beamdog, and am currently installing the preloader! We all have about a workweek left to wait, so I invite anyone who wants to pass the time with me, to do so! I would love to tell you about my experiences so far as a (well researched) newbie!


  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    I welcome you in behalf of... well, myself. I'm not exactly notorious here.

    We have polls!

    (In all seriousness, welcome. You won't regret playing BG, or BG:EE)
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    Thank you. Heh, I saw the polls. I know BG is famous for it's story, but I'll be damned if I can get far enough to enjoy it. I seem to be OCD about making the "perfect" character!

    Leaving Candlekeep for the 22nd time... Okay, Xzar and Montoron, then the diamond in the tree...
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  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2012
    Ascerion said:

    I seem to be OCD about making the "perfect" character!

    I know how you feel. But as you probably already know, this game is nothing if not replayable and there's no such thing as a complete or "perfect" single playthrough. If I were you, I wouldn't mind too much for your first time. Pick a class/race that looks cool to you and go for it.

    Of course, it's easier said than done. You mentioned Vampire: The Masquerade and now I remember playing Bloodlines (a PC adaptation for V:tM, totally worth checking out) and restarting a couple of times before properly enjoying the game 'til the end.
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    It's hard not to spoil myself when researching formulas and game mechanics, heh. Just reading about stats and how they work has exposed me to the gloves of dexterity or manuals of stat bonuses.

    I'm trying to just "jump in", but the min/maxer in me seems to shout: "Hey, look at that awesome (Item)! You should have put proficiency points into (item's specialization)! You aren't too far, just start over!"
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Hah, then boy are you in for a ride should you ever play BG2. There's just no party combination that can make use of all the cool items/abilities in a single playthrough!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Ascerion said:

    It's hard not to spoil myself when researching formulas and game mechanics, heh. Just reading about stats and how they work has exposed me to the gloves of dexterity or manuals of stat bonuses.

    I'm trying to just "jump in", but the min/maxer in me seems to shout: "Hey, look at that awesome (Item)! You should have put proficiency points into (item's specialization)! You aren't too far, just start over!"

    The entire game is a learning experience. So I wouldn't worry too much restarting too much and just instead focus on the story (well, when it picks up anyways).
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    As a big fan of the Elder Scrolls and Diablo titles, Artifacts and Unique items make me shiver with excitement.

    Probably more than normal people. Lol!
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Well all the loot is set, you won't find anything rare and unique in one playthrough that you can't find in the exact same spot in another.. But that being said, in BG2 I did find a magical shortbow off of a dead goblin the other day! Not bad, didn't expect to find anything +2 on a goblin haha.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    edited November 2012
    When I used to hang out on the game faq forums, people were often bewailing the amount of cheese in the D.Simpson guide, beware the cheese!

    -and welcome!
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Word of advice, as an old game with fans who have played it ALOT on these forums, be careful which topics you click on.. Lots of spoilers
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Mmmm~ Cheeeeese~ /Homer drool

    Just focus on having fun while you're playing and you're golden. Trying to make a "perfect" character or get a "perfect" play through kinda sucks when you're starting out. The game is VERY forgiving on the normal difficulty setting. If you need any questions answered just ask, especially in the Help for new players section as we try to keepspoilers to a minimum there.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459

    When I used to hang out on the game faq forums, people were often bewailing the amount of cheese in the D.Simpson guide, beware the cheese!

    But can you blame them with quotes like this?

    "Abilities: This is the most important part of character creation! You have to try to get the best stats that you can possibly get, and the only way to do that is to reroll constantly."

    "Alignment: Go with Lawful Good. This starts your reputation at 12, and reputation is a good thing to have in abundance. (it makes things cheaper)"

    Still, it's a great guide. Very very useful.
  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    edited November 2012
    tilly said:


    We are friendly folk! :u


    ... Welcome n_n

    ok.. Guess you haven´t met @Quartz :P

  • Kang54Kang54 Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2012
    Hi there. I'm new here myself, just registered today. Been playing BG since forever however. It's the best game ever made - or well, BG2 is the best game ever, BG is right at its heels though. The gameplay, with its blend of pause, tactical battles, godly amount of different spells and just oodles of abilities and options, plus a great story and awesome NPCs means that it's just as good now as when it first came out.
    Post edited by Kang54 on
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
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