I don't get it...

I have a NPC I want to walk up to a PC, say something, laugh, take something, then walk away.
I am using x2_def_userdef to run the code in the End Combat Round Event section for the actions I want them to take.
After many hours of no success, I put all the actions in assign commands and the NPC did exactly what I wanted.
I thought AssignCommand was only needed if a script running on something external to the NPC needed to have the NPC do something. Since x2_def_userdef is called from the NPC's own OnUserDefined script handle I figured just putting Action commands in there directly would work.
Obviously I am wrong, but I don't get why.
I am using x2_def_userdef to run the code in the End Combat Round Event section for the actions I want them to take.
After many hours of no success, I put all the actions in assign commands and the NPC did exactly what I wanted.
I thought AssignCommand was only needed if a script running on something external to the NPC needed to have the NPC do something. Since x2_def_userdef is called from the NPC's own OnUserDefined script handle I figured just putting Action commands in there directly would work.
Obviously I am wrong, but I don't get why.