Make Premium modules out of Goldbox Games

Ever tried the brilliant Pool of Radiance Remastered module by Wayne Schlegl for NWN2?
That game is the best campaign/module I've ever seen for any NWN iteration.
The way it fleshes out the story and stays true to Realmslore is fantastic.
I even converted the game for pen&paper.
With converting old Goldbox games to NWN, you could pick up all the old fans of these modules. The first CRPG generation AND curious NWN gamers.
I'm 100% this would work.
If you do - do it the Schlegl-way. For PoR I would even contact him and ask for permission to use his ideas.
That game is the best campaign/module I've ever seen for any NWN iteration.
The way it fleshes out the story and stays true to Realmslore is fantastic.
I even converted the game for pen&paper.
With converting old Goldbox games to NWN, you could pick up all the old fans of these modules. The first CRPG generation AND curious NWN gamers.
I'm 100% this would work.
If you do - do it the Schlegl-way. For PoR I would even contact him and ask for permission to use his ideas.
This would be Enhanced Gold Box in Enhanced NWN. Equals Enhanced ^2
I can give you several reasons why it shouldn't.
1) Legal: someone owns the intellectual rights to those modules. But it's muddy legal waters who. It matters if a commercial company is publishing them for profit, but not if an amateur releases them for free.
2) Logistical: Beamdog only have a small group of developers. I think it's more important that they work on improvements to the engine and the toolset. Then perhaps look at creating their own premium content.
3) Quality: You say yourself that the NWN2 POR remake made by a community member was excellent. Why should Beamdog be able to do it better than the community?
Almost all campaigns have already been done in the toolset.
It has been a few years but I remember a pnp conversion team that did them. I only played a few but I think maybe a hundred have already been converted.
1. obviously legal matters can be solved. Otherwise we would not have EE's
2. They are already considering premium modules, as this is a popular demand by the community
3. Yes. This was an outstanding work. But there are a lot of failed attempts, by hobby modders. Beamdog guys are after all professionals.
I don’t have the time (or the inclination until henchmen ai is fixed) to test them but this should take you the better part of a year
There is however a game die ToA.
Speaking of classic PNP mods, I'd recommend:
The Sunless Citadel
Dwellers of the Forbidden City
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Tomb of Horrors by Ghool
S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
I think they are all Hall of Fame.