need help with GetHasSpell() return values
"With patch 1.61, metamagic feats applied to spells and domain feats are now considered for this function (previously this was not the case). The following factors determine the value of the return of GetHasSpell:
No metamagic feat applied: 1
Cleric domain spell, no metamagic feat applied: 2
Silent metamagic feat applied: 3
Still metamagic feat applied: 3
Extended metamagic feat applied: 3
Quickened metamagic feat applied: 1
Maximized metamagic feat applied: 1
Empowered metamagic feat applied: 1
Returns 1 for each spontaneous use when looking for cure/inflict spells cast by clerics."
is there actually any way to differentiate if the target have the spell with memorized with extend from if they just have the same spell memorized 3 times without any metamagic?
"With patch 1.61, metamagic feats applied to spells and domain feats are now considered for this function (previously this was not the case). The following factors determine the value of the return of GetHasSpell:
No metamagic feat applied: 1
Cleric domain spell, no metamagic feat applied: 2
Silent metamagic feat applied: 3
Still metamagic feat applied: 3
Extended metamagic feat applied: 3
Quickened metamagic feat applied: 1
Maximized metamagic feat applied: 1
Empowered metamagic feat applied: 1
Returns 1 for each spontaneous use when looking for cure/inflict spells cast by clerics."
is there actually any way to differentiate if the target have the spell with memorized with extend from if they just have the same spell memorized 3 times without any metamagic?