It works however only for spells creature has access to and metamagic creature has access to.
For example if you want your wizard creature to cast extended haste using scripting, the wizard creatures must have extended haste spell prepared in the spell list.
Not sure right now how it works using instant (cheat) cast, my guess is that it won't apply metamagic for cheated spells - is that the problem you ran into?
Yes you are partly correct, it did work when i set bInstantSpell to FALSE
in my case I want to fast buff using an item, the caster does have the spells and he does have the feats. im using bInstantSpell = TRUE and bCheat = FALSE
For example if you want your wizard creature to cast extended haste using scripting, the wizard creatures must have extended haste spell prepared in the spell list.
Not sure right now how it works using instant (cheat) cast, my guess is that it won't apply metamagic for cheated spells - is that the problem you ran into?
in my case I want to fast buff using an item, the caster does have the spells and he does have the feats.
im using bInstantSpell = TRUE and bCheat = FALSE