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Current romance options?

What are the currently confirmed romance options for BGEE? Is it just the 3 new characters?

What races/genders can romance them?


  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2012

    Neera will be available to romance for male characters. Race(s) are not yet known, although it's pretty easy to guess that Humans, Half-Elves, and Elves will be able to at the very least.

    Dorn will be available to romance for female characters and possibly male characters (one of these men is gonna be bisexual, we don't know which yet). Race(s) are not yet known, although it's pretty easy to guess that Humans, Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs will be able to at the very least.

    Rasaad will be available to romance for female characters and possibly male characters (one of these men is gonna be bisexual, we don't know which yet). Race(s) are not yet known, although it's pretty easy to guess that Humans and Half-Elves will be able to at the very least. Likely Elves, too.

    Just the three new characters. No one else. Contractual limitations disallow Overhaul from editing old characters.
  • ChromeChrome Member Posts: 4
    I guess Rasaad will be the bi one, since he's neutral and voiced by Mark Meer. Thanks!
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