Extra Quickbars

The Problem:
As is, players have access to three quickbars with 12 slots each. This gives them a total of 36 quickslots that they can utilize for any combination of spells, abilities, macros, item equips, or item abilities.
Unfortunately, it's very easy to create builds that require full utilization of these 36 slots and then some. A well built and well prepared mage should typically have an array of metamagic spells slotted for various situations, not the least of which would include maximized and silenced spells. (Often times taking strictly silent spell as opposed to autosilent is the more optimal route.) This process can easily cause a caster to have an insufficient number of slots available for what they'd like to prepare for.
As a well experienced builder (non-toolset) with over a decade of experience in strict powerbuilding (for the purpose of optimization in the context of player vs player combat), I can cite numerous occasions in which I've created builds that literally require usage of the radial dial menu for access to spells that simply wouldn't fit within the numeric limits of a 36 slot maximum quickbar. This isn't exclusive to me, and it isn't exclusive to mages.
Even fighter builds that use an array of wands, potions, scrolls, or gearswapping slots can have versatile preparation requirements that well exceed and surpass the 36 slot quickbar limitations. The point of this case is amplified in the event that custom macros are added to quickslots as well.
Suggested Solution:
I'd like to both suggest and request that support is added for additional quickbars, beyond the standard three that players are typically limited to. One or two would likely suffice to resolve this issue, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be extended well past that, for those who wish to slot even more.
Additionally, if NWN:EE allows players to select specific hotkeys to navigate between these quickbars, this solution would be even better, as it wouldn't restrict people to using specific parts of the keyboard for this process.
Final Concerns:
The last thing I want to do in this post is make an argument against a suggestion I've previously seen listed in these forums. Recently I saw a player suggest that NWN:EE enforce utilization of a GUI system similar to NWN2. Their proposition was that rather than using quickbars we simply splatter every single ability a player has access to right onto their screen all at once, simultaneously. This would obnoxiously invade their screen space, while also forcing people to use a 'point and click' method of casting spells as opposed to using hotkeys.
I cannot stress enough how much of a bad idea this is. Not only is it less optimal, but it's a downgrade from the current system in NWN, and looks utterly atrocious on aesthetic level. Not to mention that it'd likely look even more poor for users with small screen resolutions.
With all of that said, this is just my two cents, and I genuinely believe that support for additional quickslots (if added to NWN:EE) would be a feature that is very appreciated by the community.
As is, players have access to three quickbars with 12 slots each. This gives them a total of 36 quickslots that they can utilize for any combination of spells, abilities, macros, item equips, or item abilities.
Unfortunately, it's very easy to create builds that require full utilization of these 36 slots and then some. A well built and well prepared mage should typically have an array of metamagic spells slotted for various situations, not the least of which would include maximized and silenced spells. (Often times taking strictly silent spell as opposed to autosilent is the more optimal route.) This process can easily cause a caster to have an insufficient number of slots available for what they'd like to prepare for.
As a well experienced builder (non-toolset) with over a decade of experience in strict powerbuilding (for the purpose of optimization in the context of player vs player combat), I can cite numerous occasions in which I've created builds that literally require usage of the radial dial menu for access to spells that simply wouldn't fit within the numeric limits of a 36 slot maximum quickbar. This isn't exclusive to me, and it isn't exclusive to mages.
Even fighter builds that use an array of wands, potions, scrolls, or gearswapping slots can have versatile preparation requirements that well exceed and surpass the 36 slot quickbar limitations. The point of this case is amplified in the event that custom macros are added to quickslots as well.
Suggested Solution:
I'd like to both suggest and request that support is added for additional quickbars, beyond the standard three that players are typically limited to. One or two would likely suffice to resolve this issue, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be extended well past that, for those who wish to slot even more.
Additionally, if NWN:EE allows players to select specific hotkeys to navigate between these quickbars, this solution would be even better, as it wouldn't restrict people to using specific parts of the keyboard for this process.
Final Concerns:
The last thing I want to do in this post is make an argument against a suggestion I've previously seen listed in these forums. Recently I saw a player suggest that NWN:EE enforce utilization of a GUI system similar to NWN2. Their proposition was that rather than using quickbars we simply splatter every single ability a player has access to right onto their screen all at once, simultaneously. This would obnoxiously invade their screen space, while also forcing people to use a 'point and click' method of casting spells as opposed to using hotkeys.
I cannot stress enough how much of a bad idea this is. Not only is it less optimal, but it's a downgrade from the current system in NWN, and looks utterly atrocious on aesthetic level. Not to mention that it'd likely look even more poor for users with small screen resolutions.
With all of that said, this is just my two cents, and I genuinely believe that support for additional quickslots (if added to NWN:EE) would be a feature that is very appreciated by the community.