Spell School bug fixes request

I'd like to see spells that aren't in the correct spell school fixed at last, the effort involved shouldn't be much due to the ease of resolving such. These things effect "Spell School Immunity", Spell Focus feats, Arcane Defense feats and prohibited schools.
Divination school
Remove Blind/Deafness - Should be conjuration (alongside other healing spells and as it's listed in PnP)
Feeblemindness - Suppose to be enchantment
Enchantment School
Balgarn's Ironhorn - Should be transmutation
Blind/Deafness - It's necromancy in PnP
Mass Haste - Should be transmutation like haste
Protection from Spells - Should be abjuration
Necromancy School
Clarity - This should be abjuration I believe
Transmutation School
Burning hands - Should be Evocation
Bestow Curse - Should be Necromancy
Bonus spellschool bugs.
Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration and Shades all use the sub spells, spell school for spell focus', arcane defense and immunity.
Can anyone else think of related issues that should be resolved? I think that's most of them.
Divination school
Remove Blind/Deafness - Should be conjuration (alongside other healing spells and as it's listed in PnP)
Feeblemindness - Suppose to be enchantment
Enchantment School
Balgarn's Ironhorn - Should be transmutation
Blind/Deafness - It's necromancy in PnP
Mass Haste - Should be transmutation like haste
Protection from Spells - Should be abjuration
Necromancy School
Clarity - This should be abjuration I believe
Transmutation School
Burning hands - Should be Evocation
Bestow Curse - Should be Necromancy
Bonus spellschool bugs.
Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration and Shades all use the sub spells, spell school for spell focus', arcane defense and immunity.
Can anyone else think of related issues that should be resolved? I think that's most of them.