Show walkmeshes

This has probably been mentioned .
I believe there is a hack (not hak) for this out there already for the toolset. I think a toggle in the toolset toolbar that only shows walkmeshes would be very helpful. Especially for placing stuff.
In other words, something like the in game command renderaabb, but for the toolset.
I believe there is a hack (not hak) for this out there already for the toolset. I think a toggle in the toolset toolbar that only shows walkmeshes would be very helpful. Especially for placing stuff.
In other words, something like the in game command renderaabb, but for the toolset.
But that should be added to EE also! Didn't I read of, that third party plugins could be supported? If someone could so this, this should be the solution.
Adding support for third-party-plugins, I think in NWN2 is this already working, should help us a lot!
And yes, I totally agree that a toggle in the toolset for this would be great.