Pre-load Filesize/Server Bandwidth

Why is the file size so big? Wasn't the full install only 300MB for all 5 discs? The new features and areas amount to 1.5GB? Also, the download speed for the pre-load is terrible, fluctuating between 7KBp/s and 0, and I'm trying to pre-load after a day of it being up, right? What happens when *everyone* tries to download the last 500MB on release day?
PS. I am in no way complaining about the filesize or download speed, I have plenty of HDD space and can wait patiently for the game, just wanted to ask a couple questions and give some food for thought.
PS. I am in no way complaining about the filesize or download speed, I have plenty of HDD space and can wait patiently for the game, just wanted to ask a couple questions and give some food for thought.
I'm not blaming anybody, i think these guys are doing a great job, but i wonder if everybody has these slow download problems? Im downloading at a rate of 5 kb/s, so the entire game will take about 2 days to finish downloading - heh. Is there any reason to this? Servers are full or are the connections to europe just bad? ;-) I already tried closing everthing but the download but that wont increase my dlrate..
You should have got an e-mail telling you about the installer.