A question about the patch path in the nwn.ini ...

So, whilst bee-bopping through the forums, I came across this thread, and specifically this post caught my eye -
Now, my question is this - my path in the [Alias] section of nwn.ini points to the Diamond directory, not the EE directory, but the patch still works - is this problematic, or will everything be okay? I just don't want to Super-break something down the road with a pathing misunderstanding.Proleric said:For patch haks to work, you need to copy nwnpatch.ini from your old NWN folder to [User]\Documents\Neverwinter Nights, then rename it as userpatch.ini
You also need the following line in the [Alias] section of nwn.ini:
PATCH=[User]\Documents\Neverwinter Nights\hak
where [User] is the full path to your User folder.
nothing should break just because it's in a different directory. Can't make any promises we won't ever change the Alias system, but for now it remains in place!