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Quick question on Level Cap?

Have just pre-loaded the game (seemless!) and have had a quick look through the manual, but am currently too overcome with excitement to focus properly! So does anyone know what the Level Cap is, and whether it has stayed the same or been adjusted?

Many thanks all!


  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    You can easily change the game's 2DA file to adjust or eliminate the XP cap. Perhaps someone who can speak authoritatively on this subject can outline exactly how it is to be done.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    It's the same as TotSC. 161,000xp.
  • BGLoverBGLover Member Posts: 550
    Thanks for that decado!

    Lemernis - to be honest I am not that interested in manually changing/eliminating the in-game cap. I will happily play with whatever cap pre-exists in the game, and was just wondering whether it had been adjusted, or remains as it was.
  • Kang54Kang54 Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2012
    It's not a level cap, but an experiencepoint cap. As the different classes gain new levels at different points of Exp, this means that some classes will only get to level 8(?), while others can get to level 10(?) (plus minus a level - can't remember the exact exp. cap). You can see the amount of exp needed for a level at page 140 of the second manual:

    The exp. cap should still be the same as in TotSWC ~ 150.000.
  • BGLoverBGLover Member Posts: 550
    Kang54... yes sorry, I should have said 'xp cap' rather than 'level cap'. It's just I like to plan my character progression, so like knowing what level I will be able to achieve by the end of the game.
  • Kang54Kang54 Member Posts: 58
    Yeah I know what you mean - I like to plan it all out obssesively before I start playing. I figured you knew it's an exp. cap, but explained it just to make sure. It seems like there's a fair few new players here.
  • FeidhlimFeidhlim Member Posts: 10
    Didn't there used to be an Excel doc that someone made that accounted for every possible character creation and leveling path? I wonder if that thing is still around... The logic would still be valid right? Same xp tables and such. Or was that for BG2? Anywho - I'll bet someone has already created such a workbook. Hmm, I'm pretty good at Excel perhaps I'll make my own. :-)
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