What am i buying?

Hi, im a old timer when it comes to games so yeah i played the original neverwinternights and i loved it, so as you can see im here now waiting,
... just need to ask if i buy the enhanced edition here on beamdog to get back in the game what exactly am i buying at this current time, will it be a full version with just enhanced graphics or is it currently being worked on ? what exactly am i getting in a headstart of the game? i dont mind fixes/patches etc but what i want is to basicly start a game in campaign mode and finish that game then hop into the multiplayer when its time. i have searched forums abit and am a bit overwhelmed. am i able to play the enchanced graphics version now and any info on multiplayer is it here now or being worked on aswell ? .

For the moment the game does not have enhanced graphics (yet), but modders are able to use more advanced stuff (more realistic skies for example). For singleplayer, the game works just as the normal version. Most changes have been technical, under-the-hood fixes so far. Multiplayer is also viable.
Head start means they're working on it and once in a while the game will get patched. You can look at the Trello boards to see what they are working on/planning on working on/have already done in the several patches since the launch of Head Start. But it is perfectly playable now, esp. the single player stuff and modules.
Hope that answers your questions a bit.
I'd look at the game as an alpha version still, stuff can change and break while it's in a state of flux. They're not even sure what all they'll be doing to it and are still gathering input. I've had some breaking changes come in that I eventually managed to figure out workarounds for. If you're OK with some risk that there maybe some breakage for the time being, get it, but if you want a polished product, just hold off. I'm a little out of date, so I don't know if they've fixed the distorting sounds, but don't think I saw anything in the changelogs.
It's also more than once in awhile the game is getting patched. Sometimes it's as often as weekly.
I edited my previous post to include some links to some stuff as doing that on my phone is quite a hassle.
BTW, I'm not trying to put anyone off from the game, just set expectations for the state it's in. I have managed to finish a run through SoU and HotU plus a couple other modules, and numerous restarts on others. So it is playable, but it can break with all the changes going on.