CONTEST: Give Lovecraft Mythos Names to NWN Spell Names

INTRODUCTION: For this month's Custom Content Challenge ("Cultism Is In") at the Neverwinter Vault, I've created a new core class named the Occultist. The Occultist acquires spells as feats, which I'm calling Incantations. To further the Mythos feel, I'm renamed some of the incantations:
Old | New |
Acid Fog | Flatulence of Juiblex |
Acid Splash | Teardrop of Juiblex |
Animate Dead | Reanimate Dead |
Bigby's Hands | Hands of Cthulhu |
Cloudkill | Breath of Juiblex |
Eagle's Splendor | Leadership of Alexander |
Fox's Cunning | Blessing of Yog-Sothoth |
Greater Sanctuary | Etherealness |
Melf's Acid Arrow | Spittle of Juiblex |
Owl's Wisdom | Wisdom of Solomon |
Polymorph Self | Lesser Body Warping of Gol-Goroth |
Protection from Alignment | Elder Sign |
Raise Dead | Unholy Raise Dead of Yog-Sothoth |
Shapechange | Greater Body Warping of Gol-Goroth |
Sleep | Enter Sandman |
Summon Creature (I...IX) | Summon Sub-Niggurath's Spawn (I...IX) |
CONTEST: Submit your renaming of a NWN spell with one more appropriate to the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, or Clark Ashton Smith by January 31, and I'll include it in the submission, giving you credit for your spell name.
P.S. Yes, I know that Juiblex is a creation of Gary Gygax but I think it's fairly obvious that Gygax was inspired by Lovecraft.