How do you decide order of HAKs (Project Q Material)

Well, I rebuilt my PW module with project Q but I found myself not wanting a lot of the included material and not wanting to have to rework scripts/edit other people's scripts for stuff I really didnt need. Fortunately, I do have the original version before I rebuilt it. I guess the main issue was how it disabled my onspawns and I was planning a series of a few onspawn scripts for my treasure system. Also, I really want to do as much of the scripting direction of the mod by myself as I can.
There are things I do need out of project Q however, monsters primarily, and if possible, a few tilesets. I figure they should be compatible stand-alone with each other but I am not sure how one decides the placement of load order.
I think I recall some things are placed before others, like maybe areas before creatures before placeables. I can just check the Q build of my mod and how other PWs order their haks to pull that off. But how does one determine order within a set? Here is a wish list of haks. If anyone can help me figure out what order to place them in or a base to start a logical process on, Id greatly appreciate it. Im only trying to make a PW mod because I make fun adventures and I like to share RPG fun with people. I fully plan to give credit both inside the mod and on whatever forums when I start hosting it.
Wildwoods tileset
Dwarven chasms tileset
Giant Ant Set
Rust Monster (Animated)
Baba Yaga's Improved Creatures
Bigfoot's Elemental Grues
CC 2011 October: Demonic
Hellbound (Abashai)
Monster Mash (not sure if this has any conflicts with Baba Yaga Oruks)
Weathered and Damaged Golems
Thanks in advance for any help offered!
There are things I do need out of project Q however, monsters primarily, and if possible, a few tilesets. I figure they should be compatible stand-alone with each other but I am not sure how one decides the placement of load order.
I think I recall some things are placed before others, like maybe areas before creatures before placeables. I can just check the Q build of my mod and how other PWs order their haks to pull that off. But how does one determine order within a set? Here is a wish list of haks. If anyone can help me figure out what order to place them in or a base to start a logical process on, Id greatly appreciate it. Im only trying to make a PW mod because I make fun adventures and I like to share RPG fun with people. I fully plan to give credit both inside the mod and on whatever forums when I start hosting it.
Wildwoods tileset
Dwarven chasms tileset
Giant Ant Set
Rust Monster (Animated)
Baba Yaga's Improved Creatures
Bigfoot's Elemental Grues
CC 2011 October: Demonic
Hellbound (Abashai)
Monster Mash (not sure if this has any conflicts with Baba Yaga Oruks)
Weathered and Damaged Golems
Thanks in advance for any help offered!
If so you'll need to use a tool to pull out any 2da files, merge them, and create a hak that is at the top of your hak order. In terms of the order, any files that have the same name are overwritten as you go up in order, so if 2 haks models, textures, 2das, etc for the same thing then only the one on top will get used.
Q shouldn't be overriding/changing any scripts unless you're working off the Q base module or importing the scripts .erf. If you just attach the Q haks to your module then you should be good to go.
I'll have to check that other build out then. Thanks. I havent really modded with haks recently, and the only thing I could recall was back in like, 2007 or something when I was fiddling with making a PW right before NWN2 came out and used CEP in it for the DMFI wands and treasure system. Which required using the scripts.
I'll have a go again at it and see how the build without the base mod works.
Just to clarify out of curiosity though - if I wanted to just use the haks above without Q, I would have to check for parallel usage in the 2da's? What kind of tool would do this? Im a newbie with blender and unity - I know about basics of ragdolls and skins but havent gotten into practical applications really yet.
My understanding is that EE does not ship with nwhak, but you can use the other tool. Also, NWNExplorer can't read the core game files for EE yet, but you can get by without them.
There are plenty of free tools that will compare files e.g. WinMerge Compare.
For tilesets, you also need to check that the .set and .itp file names are unique.
But one of the major theme areas in Atlantis is Mu, the vast unexplored continent. And I really need it to have dinosaurs, to the point that I am determined to learn.
So, first I thought it was easy. Then I found out the CCC dinos were a sample hak. So I looked at the source file, and looked up information about how haks are erfs and all that, cram educated myself.
And I couldnt find quite enough info via googling and vault searching. So I remembered this thread and here I am.
Now, I see this link from Proleric: (I was using a dl of nwnhak via amethystdragon)
Im gonna experiment with that and your explanations how how 2da's need to be merged.
However, my question is this: Ive read talk about the EE 2da being somehow unreadable in comparison to 1.69? I dont really know what to make of this information. A newb out of the loop, as it were.
I also have this data from project Q about reserved lines. Im assuming I can figure out what that means at some point HAHA. I can guess it is for compatibility from what the text says but then there;s Pstemarie's statement about last November and MIA stuff.
Anyway, any help is appreciated.
No dinosaurs were injured in the writing of this post.
And here are the original files: