No constitution score: simulate, ignore or supersede?

In the original game, there is no mechanism to allow for scores that don't exist, such as constitution for the undead. I am uncertain that abilities exist which actually take this into account, but still.
In the EE, what will be the best way to take this into account?
- simulation via script, even if I don't have a clue how
- ignore altogether, perhaps via some workaround?
- supersede, like D&D 5th did, by assigning a constitution score.
In the EE, what will be the best way to take this into account?
- simulation via script, even if I don't have a clue how
- ignore altogether, perhaps via some workaround?
- supersede, like D&D 5th did, by assigning a constitution score.
FYI: the game is a bit inconsistent. It tends to apply a mixture of ignore and 5e inspired rules.
I thought the discipline was more complicated than this?
Scripts could be used to make creatures auto-fail ability checks when important. I don't think NWN uses ability checks though. Ability checks are mainly used for skill checks when the player/npc/monster doesn't have the correct skill, such as a Str check for trying to swim or climb. I don't believe that's in the base game.
I think most nonabilities can be simulated in the toolset right now. If Beamdog wants to add them into the game I'd be fine with it.
Also, as a sidenote, it's been awhile since I've played in the toolset or PnP so I could be misremembering some things.